Jae~Quills #56

Mar 13, 2009 23:58

Title: Ringing Up Another Sale
Author: enchanted_jae
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: PG
Word count: 340
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.
Jae-Quills marriage prompt: rings
Written for : kaykayen
Summary: Draco and Harry select their wedding rings.

After another visit to Ambrosia to give Clovis their final decision on a cake, Harry and Draco walked out of the bakery, nibbling on some biscuits as they strolled along the pavement. Draco glanced across the street and tugged at Harry's sleeve. "Let's go into Giorgio's and see what they have for rings."

"What's wrong with the ring I gave you?" Harry asked.

"It's my engagement ring," Draco enlightened him. "We still need wedding rings."

"I think you simply want to clear out my Gringott's account," Harry accused, wondering if Giorgio's would be as expensive as Tiffany's had been when he'd purchased Draco's engagement ring.

"Yes, Harry," Draco nodded. "You've uncovered my diabolical plan. My goal all along has been to drive you to financial ruin and then throw you over for another wealthy, gullible bloke."

Harry laughed and gave him a shove, sending Draco staggering off balance. "Lucky for you, you're a good shag, or I'd throw you over."

"You wouldn't dare," Draco declared. "You love me too much."

"I can't deny it," Harry sighed dramatically. They shared an affectionate smile and entered the jeweler's. Draco led the way to the display of wedding rings. A young woman offered to assist them, and she began withdrawing one ring after another for Harry and Draco's inspection. They asked about various metals and inquired about sizing and availability of engraving. Although Harry was never pleased to shop, he found himself growing excited as he and his fiance selected the rings they would exchange at their wedding. They eventually chose matching platinum bands with gold edges. Harry was in such a magnanimous mood that he let Draco buy a new pair of cuff links, as well.

When they exited Giorgio's, Harry took the small bag containing the cuff links from Draco. "I have plans for these," he announced with a smirk.

"Dare I ask?"

Harry snickered. "I'm going to attach them to Amber's collar and make you chase her all over the house for them."


Wedding Detritus

content: fluff, rating: pg, content: established relationship, verse: jae!quills

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