Birthday!gift: Interesting Revelations 2

Mar 15, 2009 18:13

Title: Interesting Revelations 2
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating: R
Warning(s): Frotting (Characters engaged in sexual activity are of age)
Word count: 1285
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.
Author's note: Written as a birthday gift for nimielle, who asked for a sequel to last year's gift, Interesting Revelations. You don't have to read that first, but it may help.
Summary: Draco agrees to a date with Potter.

"Shut up and buy me an ale."

Draco and Potter had returned to the Leaky Cauldron, where one ale turned into three. Draco should have stopped after the second pint, but he found himself enjoying the conversation with Potter--this time as himself. He maintained enough of his Slytherin training to avoid divulging potentially embarrassing things to Potter, but when Potter leaned forward suddenly and asked if Draco would like to go for dinner some evening, he found himself agreeing.

"Splendid," Potter beamed. "Shall we say, tomorrow night?"


Draco returned home with a dull throbbing at the front of his skull. The throbbing intensified when Pansy descended on him like a vulture. "So, is Potter a good shag?" she demanded, almost bouncing on her toes in her eagerness to hear all.

"We shared a few pints at the Leaky, Pansy," he told her, rubbing at his temples. "We did not share any bodily fluids."

Pansy pouted before asking, "When are you seeing him again?"

"Tomorrow night."

"I'll expect all the sordid details," Pansy declared.


Draco arrived precisely three minutes late. He didn't want to appear too eager by arriving early, but he didn't want to annoy Potter by being any later. His date was already seated at a table, and he stood and shook Draco's hand in greeting. They sat down and engaged in small talk while poring over the menu to make their dinner selections.

Once they'd given their order to the waiter, Potter took a sip of his drink and said, "You told me last night that you've been working as an investment broker at Gringott's. What do you do in your spare time?"

"I brew potions, and I enjoy experimenting with variations of current potions and others that are completely unique."

"You always did well in Potions," Potter acknowledged. "Have you created anything I'd be familiar with?"

Draco nodded. "The improved Calming Draught is something that I developed."

"Impressive," Potter said. "And you do that in your spare time?"

Draco flushed at the praise, and from there the conversation flowed smoothly between them. Draco was astonished at how well they got on, and he found himself noticing how attractive Potter had gotten since they had left Hogwarts. Potter had filled out, his shoulders and chest were broader, and his hair was trimmed. Despite still being mussed, it now looked deliberate and sexy. Gone were the clunky glasses, replaced now with a pair of rectangular, almost frameless glasses that didn't detract from the vivid green of Potter's eyes. Draco was enthralled...and aroused.

When it came time to leave the restaurant, they walked outside and stood glancing nervously at one another in awkward confusion. Potter finally broke the silence.

"Would...would you like to come home with me? For a drink, I mean."

"That would be lovely, Potter," Draco replied, pleased that his date wanted to spend more time with him.

They walked to an Apparation point, and Potter side-alonged them to the lobby of his building before leading the way to his flat. As Potter went to fetch their drinks, Draco looked about himself in interest. The flat was sparsely furnished and decorated, yet it was quite tasteful in its simplicity. When his host returned with two glasses of brandy, Draco remarked, "I like your flat; did you manage this by yourself?"

Potter laughed and shook his head. "Fleur Weasley helped me," he explained. "I told her I wanted to keep it simple, and she took over from there." He led the way into the living area and sat at one end of the sofa. Draco chose to sit at the other end in an effort to be accessible without appearing too easy. They sipped at their drinks and made small talk until Potter set his empty glass aside. His gaze moved to Draco's lips and lingered there before rising to meet Draco's eyes. In a soft, low voice, Potter said, "I've been wanting to kiss you all evening. May I?"

Draco's heart hammered in excitement, and he set his glass on the table next to him. In answer, he shifted closer to Potter, and they met halfway, in the center of the sofa. Potter touched Draco's hair lightly before his hand moved to cup Draco's chin and tilt his head just so. Potter's head lowered, and Draco's lips parted on a sigh an instant before they were covered by Potter's warm mouth. They were tentative at first, engaging in small, almost sip-like kisses. Draco hummed, and that seemed to be the signal Potter was waiting for as he pressed his lips more firmly to Draco's and trailed the tip of his tongue lightly over Draco's lower lip. When Draco moaned, Potter's tongue slipped further into his mouth.

Their bodies moved closer together, and Draco shifted so he was facing Potter more fully. As Potter pressed against him, Draco allowed himself to be lowered to his back on the sofa. He parted his legs and moaned again when Potter's hips fit themselves neatly between his thighs. Draco arched up mindlessly and broke the kiss to draw in a ragged gasp when Potter ground down to meet him. Their hard cocks rubbed together, and Draco found himself frustrated at the barrier of their clothing. Potter, however, seemed in no hurry to get naked. He was apparently enjoying the snogging and frotting, and Draco settled for clutching anxiously at Potter's shirt as their lower bodies continued thrusting against one another and their lips and tongues remained occupied with learning the shape, texture and taste of one another's mouths.

Eventually Potter's hand slid from Draco's hair, over his chest and down his abdomen. Rather than reaching for Draco's zip, however, he instead trailed his fingers over the bulge in Draco's trousers before cupping his bits and giving him a squeeze. Draco hid his face in Potter's neck to muffle his cries as he climaxed as a result of being groped. He was embarrassed to have come in his pants like a schoolboy, at least until he felt Potter stiffen against him with a lusty groan.

Potter sat up with a trembling sigh and raked a hand through his hair, disheveling it completely. Draco followed suit, sitting up and grimacing at the damp, sticky state of his boxers. "I should go," Draco muttered, wondering what had become of his wand.

The tingle of a Cleaning charm swept over Draco at the same time as Potter quipped, "But you just came."

Draco covered his face and shook his head. "That was bad, Potter, even from you."

Potter allowed himself a laugh. "Perhaps," he said, "but I really would like you to stay for a time."

"My apologies, but I do need to take my leave," Draco demurred. He normally didn't allow such intimacies on a first date, and he was rather unnerved at his own reckless behavior.

Potter gave in graciously. Rising to his feet, he escorted Draco to the door, where he pulled Draco flush against him and snogged him until Draco was sagging weakly back against the door. Potter released Draco and stepped back. "You can Disapparate from the lobby," he reminded Draco, voice husky with frustrated passion.

"Yes," was all that Draco managed.

Potter reached out to run the pad of one thumb over Draco's kiss-swollen bottom lip before murmuring, "I hope to see more of you soon."

The double entendre wasn't lost on Draco, but he hesitated only a moment before sighing, "You will."

content: top!harry, content: sofa sex, gift: birthday, content: frotting, rating: r

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