Birthday!gift: Fusion 2

Mar 12, 2009 23:08

Title: Fusion 2
Author: enchanted_jae
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit sex, creature!fic, bondage, use of toys, pwp (Characters engaged in sexual activity are of age)
Word count: 1445
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.
Author's note: Written as a birthday gift for byaghro, who asked for a sequel to Fusion and gave the prompt of black and white feathers.
Summary: Draco's vampire lover has a surprise for him.

"A bloke could get used to this."
"So could a vampire."

And they had. From that first meeting that Draco had orchestrated, he and Harry had quickly become one another's obsession. Draco had been spending each night at the vampire's mansion in Godric's Hollow, only returning to his own home to sleep most of the day away. One such evening, Draco had arrived early as he normally did. He undressed and lay down on Harry's huge bed before reaching for the lubricant. Sometimes he waited until Harry joined him before he prepared himself, knowing that his lover enjoyed watching. At other times, impatient to be impaled on cock and fangs, Draco prepared himself while he waited for Harry. Tonight was one such night.

Draco had been thinking of his lover since he had awoken mid-afternoon, and he was anticipating the moment of Harry's arrival. The vampire would enter the bedroom and find Draco lying naked on the rich red sheets. Draco would open his thighs and lift his hips, displaying his glistening, loosened hole, and Harry would be on him and in him in an instant.

As predicted, when Harry arrived at dusk, he took one look at Draco, spread upon his bed, and was rutting inside him almost immediately. Draco climaxed quickly, unable to last when he'd been penetrated by the vampire's cock and teeth. Draco's orgasmic shuddering subsided, leaving him splayed, lethargic and sated, beneath Harry while the vampire sucked Draco's blood and fucked his hole. Eventually, Harry's fangs were withdrawn and only his cock remained, pounding into Draco's pliant body until he achieved his own release and filled Draco with quick, hot spurts of semen. While they were still joined, Harry pressed his fingers to the punctures in Draco's throat and healed the wounds. He pulled free of Draco's limp body, withdrawing with such agonizing slowness that Draco's hole spasmed in response. Harry finally uncoupled them with a wet squelch, and Draco sighed in disappointment at the loss.

"Satisfied, little morsel?" teased Harry. He lowered himself to rest atop Draco, hips still nestled intimately between Draco's thighs.

"Mmm, for now," Draco responded, smoothing his palms over his lover's damp back.

"Your vampire kink is only temporarily sated?"

"It's never far from the surface," Draco said, shifting his lower body restlessly. "It's always ready to...rise again." His cock was stirring once more, and Draco felt a thrill shiver down his spine when Harry's penis twitched as well. "Do you grow weary of indulging my vampire kink?" he asked.

"No, my tasty morsel," Harry assured him. "However, I think it's time for you to indulge a kink of mine."

Draco's eyes dilated, and his prick swelled with blood. "What did you have in mind?" he murmured.

"How does a little bondage sound?" rumbled the vampire.

Draco's cock gave an eager throb. "Oh fuck, Harry," he panted, beginning to squirm beneath his lover's weight.

"I intend to fuck you," Harry chuckled. "But first, I am going to tie you up and tease you until you are begging for my cock."

"Harry, please." Draco was begging for it already.

"Patience, morsel," Harry admonished. He abandoned his favorite position between Draco's legs and rose from the bed. Draco felt chilled without Harry's weight and warmth pressing him into the sheets. Harry crossed to his bureau and rummaged until he came up with some silk ties. "Arms over your head," he purred, returning to the bed.

Draco made a soft sound in his throat and did as he'd been told. He allowed Harry to wind a silk tie around each of his wrists and bind them to the headboard. Harry then waved his hand, and straps descended from the upper rails of the four-post bed. He instructed Draco to lift his legs, and when Draco complied, the straps went around the backs of his knees, drawing his legs up and apart. He lay on the bed, cock needful and aching, with his arms bound above his head and his legs spread wide and raised high. Draco had never felt more vulnerable, nor more aroused than he did at that moment. "Merlin, Harry," he moaned. "Don't make me wait."

Harry smirked at him, his fangs gleaming in the low light, then he turned away and retrieved something else from the dresser. When he returned and knelt on the bed between Draco's legs, Harry slid a cock ring onto his lover. Draco whimpered in distress. "Harry?"

"Oh, my little morsel," sighed the vampire. "You are going to suffer so deliciously." He walked away once more and returned with a wooden box, which he set on the table next to the bed. Opening the box, Harry withdrew two feathers, one white and one black. Setting the black feather aside, Harry took the white one and leaned close to his lover, drawing the soft tip lightly over Draco's lips. He stroked gently down Draco's throat with it and brought the tip to one peaked nipple, tickling the sensitive flesh with the feather. Draco gasped and wiggled in response. Harry teased Draco's other nipple with the feather, alternating until both nipples were rigid and tingling.

"Please, Harry, please..."

"What do you want, morsel?"

"More...give me more..."

"With pleasure," rumbled Harry. He dragged the feather down Draco's stomach and swirled it around his navel. From there, he trailed it very lightly over his lover's lower abdomen, smiling in satisfaction to see Draco's muscles jolt in reaction. Harry tickled the feather past Draco's straining cock, ignoring the blond's groan of dismay, and used the feather instead to tease the insides of Draco's parted thighs.



"Touch my cock...please..."

Draco's breath hissed through his teeth when the feather tickled its way up the underside of his cock. Harry swirled it around the tip of Draco's penis, soaking the end of the feather with pre-come. He dragged the feather up and down Draco's shaft and even went so far as to tickle Draco's slit with the tip of the feather. Through it all, Draco whimpered, writhed, moaned, cursed and yes, begged. Then it was gone. The light, teasing touches of the feather disappeared as Harry moved away from him, and Draco gritted his teeth in frustration. "Don't stop," he pleaded.

Harry smirked at him and reached for the black feather. He skipped the foreplay and moved the feather straight to Draco's cock, tickling and teasing the sensitive flesh until Draco's wails reverberated in the bedroom. Next, Harry swirled the black feather around Draco's balls, watching in fascination as they drew tight, yet unable to expel their load thanks to the cock ring adorning Draco's penis.

For Draco, the real torture didn't begin until Harry reached beneath his testicles and spread his hole with two fingers and then plunged the feather inside of him. The feather's sturdy shaft enabled Harry to thrust it in and out, fucking Draco while tickling his rim and prostate both. Draco kicked and thrashed and keened until Harry granted him a reprieve by withdrawing the feather and tossing it aside. With a feral growl, he crouched between Draco's spread and trembling thighs and speared him with a hard, forceful thrust of his cock.

"Yes!" Draco screamed, pulling wildly at his bonds in an effort to touch his wrap his legs around Harry's waist or to grasp at his flexing buttocks...anything to pull him in deeper and harder. "Let me come, let me come," he chanted, almost sobbing in his desperate desire for release. Harry reached down and removed the ring, then swooped low to clamp his fangs into Draco's flesh where neck met shoulder. Draco flung his head back and screamed as his orgasm tore through him, seizing his body in its unrelenting grip. His muscles tightened and spasmed, his cock twitched and spurted, and his sheath clamped down on Harry's penis and milked it with rhythmic contractions. Harry rode Draco furiously through his climax, sucking at his neck and fucking him with near-brutal force until his own cock pulsed in pleasure and filled his lover with spunk.


"Did you enjoy that, little morsel?"

"Yes, Harry." Draco's voice was raspy, and his throat was raw and sore. Nearly as raw and sore as his arse, but Merlin! He'd never had such an intense orgasm before. "Harry?"


"What else do you have in that box?"

Fusion 3

content: use of toy(s), content: pwp, rating: nc17, gift: birthday, content: top!harry, content: bondage, content: creature fic, creature: vampire

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