Quivering Flesh

Jun 15, 2012 23:12

Title: Quivering Flesh
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Rimming
Additional warning: Author is not responsible for underage readers. Mind the rating and warning(s).
Word count: 160
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: Gift for goldylost for answering this question. I promised to use the words/terms shababek, butthole licking and gaping love holes.
Summary: Harry enjoys preparing Draco.

Harry urged Draco to crouch on his fours. He settled behind his boyfriend and palmed Draco's arse cheeks before parting them to reveal his target. The sight of Draco's entrance excited Harry, and he couldn't wait to shove his cock in there and turn the tiny, furled pucker into a gaping love hole. First, however, Harry had to prepare his boyfriend.

Harry licked his lips, then leaned close and licked Draco's butthole. The flesh quivered beneath his tongue, and Draco whimpered and clutched at the sheets. Harry continued laving Draco with his tongue, partaking of Draco's distinct flavor. He loved performing this act on his boyfriend, and Draco was obviously enjoying himself, as well.

Soon, Draco was reduced to incoherent babbling, and Harry sat up. It was time, but first he needed lube. Harry picked his wand up and pointed it at Draco's arse, uttering his favorite lubrication spell.


Birthday gifts this weekend will take a back seat to my birthday, because it's all about me. *laughs* Seriously, I love you, my fellow Geminis, and I'll get to your gifties as soon as possible, but I do have a full weekend of fun and frivolity ahead of me. Patience, my pretties!

gift, content: crack fic, content: established relationship, rating: nc17, content: foreplay, content: rimming

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