Indulgence 14

Jun 16, 2012 23:18

Title: Indulgence 14
Author: enchanted_jae
Character(s): Harry/Draco
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit sex, DUB CON, creature fic
Word count: 975
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: Birthday gift for chinarosette, who asked for more of Indulgence
Summary: Harry returns to his Chosen one.

Harry emerged from his daytime slumber refreshed and hungry. He ascended the staircase and paused outside of his bedroom, knowing that Draco was waiting within. Harry's fangs descended in anticipation, and his cock stirred in his pants. Now that Draco had given himself willingly to Harry and been claimed by him, there would be no more need to skulk through the darkness. He could have Draco any time he chose.

Harry knew Draco was likely in high dudgeon over his circumstances. Perhaps a peace offering would put Draco in a more agreeable mood. If not, it no longer mattered. Harry would have his fill of his Chosen one in any case.

Turning away from the door of his bedroom, Harry went to Draco's room instead. He collected some of Draco's personal items to take to him, including clothing and toiletries. As he was about to leave, Harry noticed a piece of parchment on the writing desk. He picked it up and scanned it. Draco had begun writing a letter to Pansy. A good host would see that it was delivered.

"Elsie!" Harry called.

His house-elf appeared with a barely audible pop. "You is needing something, Master Harry Potter, sir?" she asked.

Harry nodded. "Please deliver this letter via owl to Miss Pansy Parkinson," he said, handing the letter to Elsie. She bobbed a curtsy and disappeared again.

Harry returned to the corridor outside of his bedroom. He wondered if Draco was waiting just inside the door, ready to attack or flee as soon as it opened. That's what Harry would have done. Instead of opening the door, Harry opted to materialize inside the room.

Draco was standing by the window. He whirled around at Harry's sudden appearance, shrinking back in fright. Draco quickly gathered his composure and straightened his spine. "Release me at once," he demanded.

"You are now bound to me," said Harry. "I can no more release you than you can be free of me."

"You're mad," whispered Draco, face appearing more pale than usual.

"I assure you, I'm perfectly sane," said Harry. "At the moment, however, I am rather hungry."

If possible, Draco paled further. He darted around Harry and tried desperately to open the door. Realizing it was still locked, he banged on the door and shouted, "Help! Somebody help me!"

"Calm down, Draco." Harry's voice was commanding, and Draco stilled at once. He turned to face Harry, eyes fearful and heart pounding. "I've brought you some of your things," said Harry. "You will remain in my suite for the time being, and I wanted you to be comfortable."

Harry set the items on the dresser and returned his attention to Draco. "I have need of you," he said. "Will you join me willingly in bed, or must your compliance be compelled?"

"Piss off," Draco replied, the words forced through his teeth.

With a sigh, Harry moved to the bed and sat down. "Come here," he ordered.

Draco moved towards him haltingly. The panicked look in his eyes indicated he had not done so of his own free will.

"Remove your clothing."

Draco obeyed with stiff, awkward movements. He stripped off the shirt he was wearing and pushed his pyjama bottoms down and stood before Harry, trembling with chill or fear.

Harry smiled at him, revealing his fangs, and a small whimper escaped Draco. "Lie down," Harry instructed. Draco did so, body rigid with tension. He flinched when Harry reached out to stroke his stomach.

"Relax," crooned Harry, and Draco did. Harry rose to his knees and pulled his shirt off over his head. He opened his trousers and withdrew his swollen cock before moving to crouch over Draco.

"We've had sex before," said Harry. "Many times, in fact," he continued. "Each time, you've enjoyed it as much as I have. Tonight, you will enjoy it with full knowledge that I am your master."

With those words, Harry sat back and spread Draco's legs open. He claimed the space between his Chosen one's thighs and chanted a lubrication spell. Harry settled atop Draco and angled his head. He struck, sinking his fangs into his Chosen one's throat at the same time as he thrust his cock into Draco's body.

Draco cried out, whether in pain or fear or pleasure, Harry didn't know and didn't care. He moaned as Draco's rich blood filled his mouth. His Chosen one's body clenched and contracted around Harry's cock, coaxing more sounds of pleasure from him. Harry fucked and fed, awaiting the moment of Draco's complete surrender.

Draco drew his knees up. His hands lifted to Harry's shoulders, and eventually he hooked his ankles behind Harry's back and snapped his hips up to meet each powerful thrust of Harry's cock. Harry opened his mind, reaching out to Draco's. He allowed his Chosen one to feel his pleasure. Draco caught his breath, and his body reacted by thrashing through a hard climax.

Harry raised his head and licked his lips. He concentrated now on his own sexual satisfaction. Harry pounded into Draco's trembling body, fucking him with short, quick strokes. His back tensed, and his balls drew up. Harry threw his head back and gave a guttural shout of ecstasy as his orgasm rushed through him. The intensity left Harry gasping, and he slumped atop his Chosen one.

Harry turned his head to lap up the last traces of blood from Draco's throat. "Sleep," he mumbled against his Chosen one's skin.

Draco's body relaxed beneath Harry as he obeyed.

Indulgence 15

verse: indulgence, rating: nc17, gift: birthday, content: top!harry, content: creature fic, content: partially clothed sex, creature: vampire, content: dub-con

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