HDSeasons; Wolven verse: Moonbeam and Shadow

Nov 27, 2011 16:27

Title: Moonbeam and Shadow Wolven verse #9
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Creature fic, suggestion
Word count: 265
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: hd_seasons photo prompt
Summary: The full moon draws Harry out, and Draco is compelled to follow.

The full moon drew Harry out of the castle, compelling him to assume his lupine form and go for a midnight run. Draco silently accompanied Harry, waiting until his mate changed before transfiguring himself into his pale wolf Animagus. Draco wasn't forced to change at the full moon, but he did it to run with Harry.

With a leaping bound, Harry took off for the delights of the Forbidden Forest, his black tail held high as he ran. Draco kept pace with his mate, running at Harry's right flank as they slipped through the undergrowth. The forest's creatures fled at their approach, but Harry ignored them in favor of the simple joy of running. It wasn't until they reached a small, flowing stream that Harry paused to dunk his muzzle in the icy chill of the water.

Draco stepped up beside his mate and lapped at the water to cool his dry throat. Harry nuzzled him, and Draco lifted his head, water dripping from his chin, to bask in his mate's affection. Harry licked the water droplets from Draco's muzzle in a wolf-like kiss before giving a sharp yip and bounding away again.

Draco's tongue lolled out in amusement, and he wheeled to scamper after his mate. It was apparent that Harry was in a playful mood, and his enthusiasm was infectious. Draco loped after the black wolf, his shimmering, pale fur giving the appearance of a moonbeam chasing a shadow.

Later, they would celebrate the full moon by mating, but for now, the wolves were content to run.

content: animagus, animagus: lupine, rating: pg13, creature: werewolf, content: established relationship, content: creature fic, comm: hd_seasons, verse: wolven

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