Adult Adventures

Nov 27, 2011 15:08

Title: Adult Adventures
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco, Ron
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Strong suggestion
Word count: 550
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: Birthday gift for ccmom, with the prompt of adventure
Summary: Ron accuses Harry of being dull, and Harry is compelled to go all out in an effort to be exciting.

'What happened to you, mate? You used to be fun, and now that you're shagging the Ferret, you've become dull and boring.'

Harry was still mulling over Ron's words from the previous night. His friend had Floo-called to invite him to the pub, but Harry had declined. Ron had delivered his scathing parting shot and left, and now Harry was left to wonder if Ron was right. It was true that he preferred to stay home with Draco these days, but did that make him boring and stodgy? Harry didn't want to be dull. He was a hero, damn it, and his life should be one exciting adventure after another.

Harry straightened in his chair. "Draco!" he barked, gaining his boyfriend's immediate attention. "Get your coat on, we're going out."

"It's too cold; I don't want to go out," Draco whined.

Harry surged to his feet, heart pumping with excitement. "We're going on an adventure!" he declared.


They rode on the London Eye and did some holiday shopping at Hamleys. They got fish and chips from a local chippie and ate their food outside while sipping from the same bottle of soda. Draco was getting cranky, and Harry himself was growing weary. However, he refused to give up. This was fun! They were being exciting!

"Harry, may we go home now?" Draco pleaded. "My feet hurt, I can no longer feel my fingers, and my stomach is upset from all that greasy food."

"Not just yet," Harry said, eyes scanning a row of shops for some further excitement. He spotted a tattoo parlor, and his lips quirked in a grin. "Come on, Draco," he said, grabbing his boyfriend's gloved hand. "Let's get matching tattoos!"

Draco dug in his heels, but he was dragged along in Harry's manic wake any way. "Wait, Harry, wait!" he cried, wrestling his hand free of his boyfriend's death grip. Draco wasn't too keen on the idea of getting a tattoo. "Let's buy something there, instead," he said, pointing to a shop two doors down from the tattoo parlor.

Harry looked where Draco was pointing. "Aphrodite's Adult Adventures," he mused, reading the name of the shop aloud.

"Now that's my idea of an adventure," said Draco.

Draco's words gave Harry a sudden revelation. His life wasn't boring at all. Not when he shared it with a snarky, volatile, hot-tempered and utterly uninhibited bloke like Draco Malfoy. Why, Ron would blush to death if he knew some of the adventurous things Harry had experienced with Draco in the privacy and comfort of their own bedroom. Chagrined, he turned to Draco with an apologetic smile.

"Let's go buy a new toy," Harry agreed.


Harry rolled away from Draco and collapsed in a sweaty heap on the duvet. "Fantastic," he murmured.

"Extraordinary," Draco slurred. He roused himself enough to add, "It was even more brilliant when you charmed it to move on its own."

"We should return to Aphrodite's and buy that other item we were looking at," Harry said.

"Mm, that would be wonderful," sighed Draco. One eye snapped open to glare at Harry. "Just promise me you won't drag me all over London again first."

Harry chuckled and drew Draco closer. "I promise," he replied. "From now on, we'll save all of our exciting adventures for the bedroom."

content: use of toy(s), gift: birthday, rating: pg13, content: established relationship

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