Jae's Monthly Drabble Challenge #59; Donation drabble

Jan 02, 2011 23:06

The first full weekend of the year is here, which means it's time for another Monthly Drabble Challenge. January's prompt, brought to you by our recent New Year's Eve activities, is drinking games. You may write or draw any fandom, pairing, threesome, or even gen fic.

Please post your entry in your own journal (unlocked!) or a community of your choice, and leave me a link in the comments below. You have until Sunday, January 16, at 11:00pm CST to submit an entry. I will then post links to the entries and draw a name from among the participants to receive a drabble from me. Below is my entry for the month:

Title: A Baffling Bit of Bi-Curiosity
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco, assorted students
Rating: R
Warning(s): Sexual situation
Word count: 850
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
★ Jae's Monthly Drabble Challenge #59 - drinking games
★ Donation Drabble for teagues_veil, in thanks for the 'It Gets Better' VGift. Her prompt was half-clothed frotting and the drinking version of "Never Have I Ever".
Summary: Malfoy stokes Harry's bi-curiosity.

Eighth Year students who had remained at Hogwarts for the holidays gathered together in one Common Room for a New Year's Eve party of their own. A handful of Seventh Years were in attendance, as well. Blaise Zabini had smuggled in some firewhiskey, which the students were either drinking straight or mixed with the punch that Luna Lovegood had made.

It was Pansy Parkinson who stood up, clinked her wand against her glass for attention and said, "Let's play a game!"

"How about Never Have I Ever?" suggested Ginny.

Harry was already feeling a slight buzz, and he didn't think a drinking game was a good idea. Before he could say so, however, Ginny was dragging him into the circle to sit next to her. Harry meant to protest and watch from a safe distance, but then he saw the challenging look that Malfoy threw at him from across the circle. If Malfoy could do it, so could Harry.

Statements were made, students giggled, drank and guffawed, and the Never Have I Evers began to get progressively more sexual.

"Never have I ever gotten off with another bloke," said Theo Nott.

Most of the girls took a drink, as well as some of the boys. Harry was astounded to see Malfoy take a drink. Malfoy was bent? The prospect was strangely exciting. Harry, himself, did not take a drink, but he found himself wishing he had reason to. With the Dark Lord gone, he'd had ample time this year to discover new and interesting things about himself, including a baffling bit of bi-curiosity.

"Never have I ever sucked a boy off," giggled Luna.

Again, many of the girls took a drink, and Harry watched Malfoy closely. When Malfoy smirked at him and took a drink, Harry couldn't help but press a hand against his growing erection.

"Never have I ever played such a ridiculous game," Hermione said primly.

Everyone else saluted her and took a drink. Beside Harry, Ginny gagged and threw up. The others scrambled out of her way, including Harry.

Malfoy raised his voice and said, "Perhaps it's time to move on to other activities." His eyes were on Harry.

While Hermione helped sort Ginny out, Harry retreated to one of the armchairs in a darkened corner, hoping his erection would subside. Instead, his cock swelled further when Malfoy approached and brazenly sat on Harry's lap, straddling him.

"You've never gotten off with another bloke, Potter?" murmured Malfoy.

"I'm not bent," squeaked Harry. He gasped when Malfoy's hand cupped him between the legs.

"Oh no?" teased Malfoy. "This says otherwise." He used his wand to flick a Notice-Me-Not charm around them, all while fondling Harry's bits with his other hand.

Harry couldn't help himself. He groaned and arched up, rubbing himself into Malfoy's hand. Malfoy leaned in and snogged Harry, and after an initial moment of surprised flailing, Harry decided it was brilliant. Adept fingers unbuttoned Harry's shirt, and Malfoy's mouth followed the path of revealed skin. He trailed kisses over Harry's jaw, down his neck and across his collarbone before sucking a taut nipple into his mouth.

Harry bleated at the sensation and flailed some more. His hands landed on Malfoy's head, but rather than push him away, Harry sifted his fingers through the other boy's hair and gave himself up to the strange new sensations. Harry pushed his hips up, automatically seeking some friction for his aching cock. Malfoy accommodated him by scooting higher on Harry's lap and frotting his own erection against Harry's.

Harry groaned and arched into it. Malfoy pushed Harry's shirt off his shoulders and nipped his way up Harry's throat where he latched on and began to suck at a spot just below Harry's ear. Harry's hands pushed their way beneath Malfoy's jumper to get at naked skin, and he began caressing Malfoy's back.

Their lower bodies shifted together restlessly, and Harry's hands traveled to Malfoy's arse. He grasped the other boy and dragged him into closer contact. It was Malfoy's tiny moan that drove Harry over the edge. That one sexy sound from Malfoy hurtled Harry into the best orgasm of his young life. He cried out and shuddered as his cock pulsed, smearing his pants with his release.

Malfoy gasped and threw his head back, shaking in Harry's arms as he reached his own peak. He slumped against Harry, breathing hard. Harry was sprawled beneath Malfoy in the chair, body still quivering. Malfoy was heavy, but not uncomfortably so, and Harry could have happily spent the rest of the hols right there.

Eventually, Malfoy sighed and sat up. He smirked at Harry, but the expression was one of satisfaction, rather than scorn. He fumbled for his wand and swept a Cleaning charm over them both before levering himself off of Harry's lap. "That was enjoyable, Potter," he said, tugging his jumper into place. "Let me know if you want to tick a few more of those Never Have I Evers off your list."

Bewildering Bi-Curiosity

challenge: jmdc, gift: donation, content: frotting, content: eighth year, content: chair sex, rating: r, content: hogwarts era

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