Holiday Stocking Stuffer 3

Jan 03, 2011 12:03

Stocking stuffer for: deirdre_aithne
Title: Loosen Up
Author: enchanted_jae
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Suggestion
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Pairing(s): Draco, Harry
Summary: Professor Malfoy has been dispatched to persuade Professor Potter to attend the annual staff holiday party.
Word Count: 650

Harry was busy marking essays when Draco strode into his classroom. Harry's body tingled with awareness, but he kept his features calm as he set his quill down. "Is there something I can help you with, Professor Malfoy?" he asked politely. There were many things he'd like to help Draco with. For starters, Harry would love to help Draco out of that emerald green jumper he was wearing. His overwhelming attraction for his colleague alarmed him, however, which is why he tried to avoid Draco whenever possible.

"Indeed, there is, Professor Potter," said Draco. "You can join me and the others at the holiday staff party, which is now in full swing." Harry needed to loosen up. There was one way in particular that Draco would like to loosen him up, but Harry was quite the artful dodger when it came to Draco's attempts at flirtation.

Harry fought the urge to fidget. "I'm terribly busy, Malfoy," he said. "Please give my regards to Headmistress McGonagall and the others."

"Potter, it's the hols," Draco exclaimed. "Virtually all of the students have gone home, and those that remain are ensconced in their Common Rooms, relaxing. Perhaps you could learn something from them."

"Malfoy, I appreciate your concern for my welfare, but the truth is, I'm not in the mood for frivolity."

"That is precisely why you should accompany me to the party, Potter," said Draco. "You should not sit here, all alone, and feel sorry for yourself. Far better to enjoy the companionship of your peers. Besides, Longbottom has created a rather potent wine from one of his exotic plants, and you don't want to miss it if McGonagall imbibes too much."

Harry snickered at the thought of an inebriated Headmistress. His resolve began to waver. "I have all these essays to mark-"

"Sod the essays," Draco snorted. "Come with me," he insisted, his mouth practically caressing the word come. "How can I snog you under the mistletoe if you refuse to attend the party?"


"Professor Trelawney already caught me there on my way to get you," said Draco. "I daresay you owe me a snog to replace that travesty in my memory."

Harry unconsciously licked his lips at the thought of snogging Draco. "I don't know..." he hedged.

"Potter, do stop faffing about and come along," Draco sighed. "McGonagall herself sent me here with strict instructions not to return without you. If you insist on remaining here, marking essays, I shall grow terribly bored and will require entertaining."

Harry's trousers tightened at the prospect of entertaining Draco. As tempting as it was, however, he was expected to provide an example of upstanding character for the students to emulate. It wouldn't do to have one of them come across two professors engaged in questionable behavior in a classroom!

Harry rose to his feet. "Very well, Malfoy," he said. "You win. I shall accompany you to the staff party."

"Brilliant," replied Draco, hiding his disappointment behind a bright smile. He had been looking forward to loosening Harry up, right there on his desk. "McGonagall has gifts for all of us again, and she refused to allow any of us to open them until you could join us."

"I reckon she got us each another awful tie," Harry said with a wince.

"Your gift was shaped like a broomstick."

"Really?" Harry asked, expression clearing. A new broomstick would be fantastic!

"You won't know until you see it for yourself, Potter," Draco said, herding Harry ahead of him through the door. If he couldn't have Harry to himself for the evening, at least he could ogle his arse on the way to the party.

"Malfoy?" Harry questioned, turning his head to see what was keeping the other professor. Draco's gaze jerked up to meet his, and a guilty grin curled his lips. "Malfoy, were you looking at my arse?!"

content: ust, rating: pg13, content: pre-slash, comm: hd_seasons, gift: holiday, content: xmas, profession: professor(s)

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