Insaners #1; HDPotsNPorn #37; HDFluff #66

Jan 02, 2011 14:49

Title: Tea For Play
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco, Earl Grey
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Suggestion
Word count: 150
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
insaners Prompt #1 - tea and soup
hd_pots_n_porn Prompt #37 - hot drink
hd_fluff Prompt #66 - a hot cup of ___
Summary: It's a conspiracy.

Only Draco Malfoy could manage to flirt over a cup of hot tea.

It was criminal, really, the way he would bring the cup to his lips and peer at Harry over the rim, eyes sparkling with deviltry and lust. Harry was convinced that Draco and Earl Grey were conspiring against him. How else to explain the way his trousers would suddenly become too tight as he scowled at his lover across the breakfast table?

Harry looked away and reached for his glass of milk. He couldn't take Draco up on what he was so blatantly offering. Harry didn't dare be late to the Ministry again, or Kingsley would have his hide.

Draco took a sip of his tea and moaned in delight. Milk sloshed over the rim of Harry's glass as he slammed it back down and lunged over the table.

He was going to be late for the third time this week.

Cross-posted to insaners

content: ust, comm: hd_pots_n_porn, comm: hd_fluff, rating: pg13, content: established relationship, comm: insaners

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