
Jul 05, 2010 16:19

Title: Sexting (Phone!sex arc 17)
Author: enchanted_jae
Pairing: H/D
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Wank (Characters engaged in sexual activity are of age.)
Word count: 530
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was written for fun, not for profit.
ADDITIONAL DISCLAIMER: Author is not responsible for underage readers. Please observe the rating, warnings, and age of legal consent for your country.
Author's note: Written as a birthday gift for emerald_silver, who asked for more of my Phone!sex arc.
Summary: Draco is in a meeting, but Harry wants to play.

Draco's jaw tightened as he tried not to yawn. He'd been sitting in his meeting for well over an hour now, and the topic wasn't the most interesting subject. He withdrew his cell phone periodically to check for messages, and others around the table were doing the same. It was allowed, as some of them were receiving information that was pertinent to their meeting. Draco wasn't anticipating any important messages, but it was a way to relieve the boredom.

As he was pretending to give the speaker his full attention, his cell phone vibrated. Draco flipped it open to see a text message from Harry.

Want u baby

Draco's face flushed, and he hastened to text back: in meeting now

What r u wearing?

Draco rolled his eyes. business suit

Going to peel it off u

Biting his lip, Draco tried to ignore his boyfriend's message.

Get u naked and suck ur cock

Draco squirmed in his seat.

Lube u fuck u from behind and pinch ur nipples

Draco gasped and covered it with a cough. He texted back. stop it! will talk 2 u later

Don't want 2 talk just want 2 hear u scream baby

Draco was about to scream in frustration. His cock was hard and aching and much too confined in his trousers, and Harry seemed intent on seducing him via text messaging.

Can u feel me sliding in and out stretching u wide open

Pushing his chair back, Draco stood up. "Excuse me, but I need to take this call." He didn't wait for a response before striding from the room with his briefcase held in front of his erection. Draco rushed to the gents and locked the door behind him. He dialed Harry's number.

"Took you long enough, baby."

"I will kill you when I get home," Draco snarled, already unzipping his trousers.

"Then I'll have to fuck you especially good and hard to change your mind."

Draco closed his fist over his bare cock and whimpered in relief.

"Are you wanking for me?"

"Yes, you arsehole! Now, make it quick."

"Quick and hard and dirty...just the way you like it, baby. As soon as you get home, I'll spell you naked," Harry husked over the phone. "I won't be wearing anything but lube on my cock, because I won't be able to wait to ram it inside of your hot little hole."

Another whimper escaped Draco as he stroked his prick.

"You've been so empty and aching without me, haven't you?"


"No more. You'll be full of my big, throbbing cock, and I'll shag you so hard your eyes will cross. I'll pinch and tug on those little pink nipples of yours, and you'll scream like-"

"Nnnghh!" Draco cried through his clenched teeth as his release spattered over the sink. He slumped against the cool porcelain while he tried to calm himself.

"Draco, Draco, I'm going to come inside you...Aaah!"

Draco could hear Harry panting into the phone, and he straightened with a smirk. "I hope you enjoyed that, but there's nothing like the real thing."

"Come home soon," growled Harry, "and be ready to get fucked as soon as you walk in the door."

A Very Satisfied Prat

verse: phone!sex, gift: birthday, content: dirty talk, content: established relationship, rating: nc17, content: wanking

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