
Jul 05, 2010 22:55

Title: Fyrefighters
Author: enchanted_jae
Pairing: Harry, Draco
Rating: R
Warning(s): Crude suggestion
Word count: 730
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was written for fun, not for profit.
ADDITIONAL DISCLAIMER: Author is not responsible for underage readers. Please observe the rating, warnings, and age of legal consent for your country.
Author's note: Written as a birthday gift for drusillas_rain, whose prompt was firefighters.
Summary: Aurors Potter and Malfoy are on call, and Harry is bored.

The Ministry's DMLE had obtained an old Muggle firetruck and converted it to use in their fight against an unknown arsonist. Someone had been setting buildings in London ablaze using Fiendfyre, and finding the person or persons responsible had become the Aurors' top priority. The truck had been spelled to move through the Muggle streets much like the Knight Bus, and instead of carrying ordinary water, it carried a mix of water and a potent potion that could effectively douse Fiendfyre. Each pair of Aurors took turns being on call in case of another arson attack.

"This is boring," Harry complained.

"I'd rather be bored than out fighting Fiendfyre, Potter."

Harry turned to scowl at his partner. "I meant that I'd rather be doing something other than sitting here on call."

"You could suck me off," Draco suggested.

Harry sneered at him even as his body reacted to the idea. "You wish." All was silent between them for several minutes. "Why don't you suck me off?" Harry ventured.

"I'm not the one who's bored," smirked Draco.

"Arsehole," Harry fumed, returning his attention to the small telly in the modified garage the DMLE had rented for their firetruck. He'd been trying, unsuccessfully, to get in his partner's pants for some time now. However, Harry wasn't too keen on giving head, and Malfoy knew it. It wasn't Harry's fault he had a hair-trigger gag reflex.

"We can't be faffing about while we're on call any way," Draco pointed out. "Constant vigilance, remember?"

Harry waved him off. "The arsonist isn't going to strike again tonight," he declared. "Paek and O'Riley just got called out two nights ago, and we've never had calls less than four nights apart."

"You can't be sure of that."

"Please," scoffed Harry. "I'm so certain of it, that I will suck your cock if we get called out."

Draco chuckled, and Harry's tension eased. He found a Quidditch match on the telly and settled in to watch.


The blare of an alarm going off caused Harry to jump and spill the can of soda he was holding. He and Draco raced to the truck and jumped in the cab. They buckled their seatbelts as the door to the garage was opening, and then they were tearing out onto the streets with the siren wailing and the lights flashing. They were directed to a district comprised of old warehouses and found one of the buildings engulfed in flames.

Harry shuddered at the sight of the fiery image he could see within the flames, and he brought the truck to a screeching halt. Draco leaped out of the cab and vaulted onto the back of the truck to unhook one of the hoses, and Harry rushed to wield the other one. Muggle firetrucks roared up to the building as well, but both the Aurors and their truck were under heavy disillusionment. The Muggles would never see that they had help.

Draco and Harry aimed their hoses into the very center of the blaze and released twin blasts of water to battle the Fiendfyre. The fyre had taken on the form of a dragon, and it shrieked its fury at the sky. It turned its attention to the Aurors and belched a gout of flame at them. Draco pointed his hose directly at the dragon's maw and doused the flame before it could reach and incinerate them. Meanwhile, Harry was attacking the belly of the beast and whittling it down to size. It howled and flailed and finally died out with a wail of defeat.

Harry and Draco continued to pour their combination of water and anti-Fiendfyre potion onto the flames until nothing remained but wisps of smoke. They turned the water off and rolled the hoses back onto their reels. Other Aurors arrived on the scene to search for clues, and Draco and Harry drove back to the garage in weary silence.

Harry parked the truck and hopped out of the cab. "I need a shower," he mumbled, brushing ashes from his hair.

"There's something else you need to do first," his partner said.

Harry glanced at Malfoy and frowned. "Oh?"

Draco flung his sooty outer robe aside and reached for his zip with a gloating grin. "Suck my cock, Potter."

gift: birthday, profession: auror(s), rating: r

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