I've been cutting worms' heads off for an hour and desperately need a break. So much carnage..
Anyway, I'm getting super excited for Christmas. Gift ideas and dinner plans are all coming together nicely so the stress is lifting and I'm starting to enjoy it. Natalie took me to the Chemistry grad student Christmas semi-formal dinner party thing last Friday, since her boyfriend was part of the band. My affiliation with the group is pretty far removed so i eventually justified my presence as a groupie.
I got a TA position for next term, as a lecture content assistant for a first year Cell and Molecular course, and the nice foreign lady running the course listed me in the syllabus as a Mrs. And not to talk only about work, but, well, it's kind of what I do with most of my time, our lab got a publication in one of the big science journals and there's been a bit of a media buzz with radio interviews, etc. Here's an
article posted by the university. It's actually pretty neat stuff, if you're into that kind of thing.
Umm not much else, really. The lab is nearly deserted so it's an easygoing atmosphere. But I have worms to be decapitated!
Merry Christmas!