I have two of them coming up. One of them is tomorrow (for the job I'm currently doing as a temp) and the other is next Monday - similar role in different part of the uni.
So, the job I've been temping at for the last year has finally gone up as an actual permanent job (although it is much changed from how it started out - I've been doing the job as it's advertised (almost) for the last 6 months
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Life has been looking up this week. One more piece of work was handed in. I got a job interview for a part time maternity cover thing in the department over the summer. The money problems that have been stressing me out for the last two and a half months are slightly less problematic thanks to the Access to Learning Fund
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I quit... I actually did it. I had half a feeling I'd chicken out - but hey, I was better than some of the others who've quit in the last week or two... I actually went in and quit rather than sending a text
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Yeah - that's right. I'm quitting my job. Seriously. Yeah, that job I've been at less than two weeks. Oh well, at least it's before my two week trial is up. There are several reasons for this
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I have a job! A job was advertised by a company opening up a shop in the union a few weeks ago, I applied - got a reply back just over an hour ago - they want me in tomorrow! *bounces*