May 17, 2007 12:06
Life has been looking up this week. One more piece of work was handed in. I got a job interview for a part time maternity cover thing in the department over the summer. The money problems that have been stressing me out for the last two and a half months are slightly less problematic thanks to the Access to Learning Fund.
B and T finally got Season 2 Part 1 of SPN on DVD... and T wants to recap the whole of season 1 first... so watched eps 1-4 last night. It also seems to be the week of finales on TV... so that should be fun.
The rainy days? Well, there's the two hour latin exam tomorrow.
And - the literal rain. Combined with the leak in my ceiling. Yes, there's a leak in my ceiling. Joy of joys. Was kept awake half the night by drips dripping into a bucket on my bedroom floor. Rang the landlord last night and he should do something about it today... not that we've heard from him yet.
tv discussion,