Aug 20, 2006 11:04
a week from tomorrow, classes start. god, where has my summer gone!? I have so many things to get done in the next month regarding school/graduate school. ugh. I would rather not think about it. well, on Friday I paid my tuition: $3473.00 out the window. plus $280 on books. and that's only for 3 classes. luckily, my 4th class requires no text, yay. all of that for just for one semester. sigh. I'm now officially broke. I'll start taking donations asap. the money situation was made a little bit better on Saturday. I raced in Hudsonville. it was a fairly small race which was nice since I ended up getting 1st place in my age division (23:58). to my surprise, I received $50 in cash instead of a medal. couldn't complain too much because it was money I utilized quite nicely at Vince and Shell's garage sale. also, I ran 7 more miles at the gym when I got home. it felt great. I can't remember the last time I did a 10 mile day. I think it's been about 2 months. anyway. I only spent $10 at the garage sale and came home with like 12 shirts. I made out like a fricking bandit! oh man, last night. was fucking wonderful. grilled cheese sandwiches, tomato soup, green tea =). I kinda like Mike. a bunch of us went into Kzoo for the rest of the night. it's fun to get out once in a while. what do I do with all of this positive energy? I haven't gotten sleep like I should in a couple of weeks now, but I really don't care. I'm living. and now I will finish dying my hair, doing laundry, cleaning my room, painting my toenails, going for a bike ride, possibly sleeping? and then something fun before work tonight. last week of 48 hours of work. well, paid work anyway. 20 hours will seem like a lot more with classes. but I'm ready for a change. change lately hasn't been so bad.