Apr 23, 2007 22:08
"Banged" really isn't a word, is it? But who says "struck" these days?
Well, I banged my head and here is the story.
I had to borrow Mum's car because my car was having a new spare tyre put in (funny story there too actually!). Mum's car is pretty much the same as mine just newer, so I thought, piece of cake, I'll just jump in and off I go. Big Mishtake.
One leg in, bottom on seat, reach for the door and.... WHACK!
Little did I know that because Mum is such a midget, she has the seat so high that everyone else has to duck to get their head in. Mingled with the immense pain, I had a sudden and distict feeling of sympathy for really tall people.
So now I have lovely great lump on my forehead and a two inch long dint. I'll probably get a scar. I hope I do. Scars are sexy, aren't they?
Dad told me later that he adjusts the driver's seat BEFORE he get in. Real helpful, Dad, now that I have a whopping great egg on my forehead.
THE SPARE TYRE STORY is not nearly as interesting but worth noting because it happened as I was going up the driveway on my way to work on FRIDAY THE THIRTEENTH! *doo-doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo-doo* (oh, shut up. You know how the music goes) Anyway, having recently learned the complete lyrics to The Shins "Australia", I was singing along to the CD at the top of my lungs, playing it at full blast when I heard a faint "pop" and thought I might have run over a stick or a bird (and hoping it wasn't the dog). I stopped singing so loudly and listened:
'damned to be one of us, girl'
*klump klump*
'facing the dodo's conundrum'
*klump klump klump*
'IIIII felt like I could just fly'
*klumpity klumpity klumpity*
Ok, here it started to sound wrong. The clock said 8:55am. Bum. Late.
I hopped out and had a look under the car. No stick, no dead animal. Back tyre - flat as a tack. Double bum.
So I rolled back home. Later that night, Grandad said he could hear it from his place and Dad said he'd never seen a car tyre blow out the way it did. It was pretty much split right along one side.
Perhaps I shouldn't play music so loud in the car. Hrm.
Meanwhile, in reference to the last episode, my boss has given me this week off to study hard and catch up on my uni work. Unpaid but very very worth it. She was horror-struck when I suggested I might have to quit and study full time. It's good to know I'm needed. :)
This week's expansion of the CD collection: The Shins "Chutes too Narrow", The Cranberries, "Everybody else is doing it, so why can't we". Scott at the CD shop knows me way to well. Our conversations over the counter generally go like this:
"So, this is a present for someone?"
"Er, yep."
"This is the best Cranberries album. You'll love it."
"It's a present."
"Sure it is."
"Shut up, Scott."
This week's expansion of the wardrobe: JJJ One Night Stand tshirt (from Lucy, feeling sorry for me.) The shirt, however looks suspiciously man-sized.