Birds and book, day 136 of 2012

May 16, 2012 22:26

A work-at-home afternoon means I spent most of the day reading galleys for a biography of Amos Burg (The Last Voyageur to be published Fall 2012) in the sunshine. It was a lovely way to spend the day. Eventually my father showed up and we talked pleasantly enough until the conversation drifted into politics and the indignity and horror of "Obamacare." We ended up at Lee's Asian Restaurant on California where the food seemed decent but my father seems to have developed a wee case of food poisoning soon afterward. I swear a kid at another table was eating what looked like raw chicken (the stuff on my father's plate looked cooked); I'm glad I stuck with vegetables.

Anna's hummingbirds
northern flickers
American robin
American goldfinches
house finches
house sparrows
pine siskins
black-capped chickadees

Still Tiassa page 227

I tell myself that today's pine siskin is the same one that wasn't looking so perky a few days ago; it shared the same indifference to my proximity. Today, it was enjoying the bird bath a few feet from where I was sitting:

After a thorough bath and slurp, the siskin splashed the water from its body...

...all of which Gradka ignored entirely.

Should the Imaginary Reader be curious about such things, on the first photo the camera was set to the "shade" setting; in the second siskin photo I had corrected it to "sunny."

precious photos, restaurants, reading, birds, book

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