May 15, 2012 23:41
Some people call me pragmatic which I sometimes think is a nice way of saying that I'm a bit dull-witted. Sometimes I have to experience things to recognize them--the best way to find out how I feel about something or how something will work is to just go ahead and have it happen and then see how it goes. Which is my way of saying that it appears that nice sunny weather = me not having so much time (or maybe inclination) to post. And let's face it; LJ is quite the ghost town these days. On the other hand, I find it handy to be able to search LJ archives to find out things like when I had the skin cancer removed from my forehead (2010, aka much more recent than I thought) or when I first looked at this house (May 13, 2009 or three years ago last Sunday). So I'm not going to abandon LJ but if the nice weather holds I just don't know how good I'll be about bird updates. I'd rather mow the lawn, worry about the camellias, or trail a piece of grass for Gradka to chase.
It's not just the weather, either. Attempting to be a responsible adult when it comes to End-Of-Life issues turns out to be damned time-consuming. On the other hand, shuffling among dull paperwork has led to discoveries about life insurance via my health insurance at work (Who is the beneficiary? I haven't a clue!) and cash kickbacks from my credit card. (Who knew "rewards" didn't mean only toasters?)
Birds (both days combined)
American goldfinches
American robins
house finches
house sparrows
white-crowned sparrow
pine siskins
Anna's hummingbird
northern flicker
black-capped chickadee
chestnut-backed chickadees
Canada geese
Tiassa page 226
I admit I've not been absolutely enthralled with this book, possibly because it's just been too long since I've read other books in the series and I just don't remember who all the characters are or how they interact with each other. It's also sort of three separate stories so just as I get a cast of characters straight a bunch of new people show up. But the third section, "Special Tasks," is a bit more chatty with more author editorializing and also more of Mr. Brust's trademark stilted banter that has stuck with me long after I've forgotten the plots and characters of the earlier books. Thus, I was charmed to find the following exchange between some Dragonlords in the Phoenix Guard:
"I believe," said the ensign after some consideration, "That you did the right thing. For an Imperial noble to be permitted to die would reflect poorly on our ability to protect our citizens. And yet--"
"Well?" said Nill.
"An Easterner with an Imperial title. It is exceptional. More than exceptional, in fact, it is unusual."
"And then?" said Farind. "Shall we question him when the physicker has finished?"
"No," said the ensign. "While I have no fear of battle, nor of crossing swords with anyone you might name, still do I confess that there are things I fear. Rather than risking giving offense to an Imperial lord by questionng him, or annoying my superior officers by letting him go, I will inform the Wing of what has happened, and await instructions."
Nill said, "If I may speak, Commander."
"This seems wise to me, only--"
"What if he should wake up before we have heard from the WIng?"
"Oh, in that case--"
"As the Vallista say, we will burn that house when we come to it."
Farind frowned, as he was not, in fact, certain that the Vallista said this, but he and Nill comprehended her meaning, and at once nodded...
-from pp. 222-223 of Tiassa