- still no knitting bag.
+ started a
fun shawl in blue/purple Kauni yarn to console myself. Won't work for Mom's b-day, but I'm enjoying it.
-/+ Kauni has lots of grass bits, but lots of lanolin so my hands feel good.
+ got some delicious silk yarn I've been eyeing for a couple of years at $5/skein vs. the original $28.
- ferocious headache today. Had food, water, caffeine... guess it is time for tylenol.
- Wm has learned how to say "no!" Loudly.
+ Pip is back in school and SO HAPPY about it. We had a good day yesterday even doing stuff like grocery shopping.
+ Wm is napping so I have some time to myself. It is blessedly *quiet*.
+ Have pretty beads to make something else for mom. Must visit bead store for clasps. Oh noes, bead store. Such a hardship.