I Felt Like I Needed Something to Say

Jan 25, 2007 19:52

In the last 24 hours, have you...

...cried? nope
...bought something? nope
...gotten sick? nope
...sang? yep
...been kissed? yep
...felt stupid? yep
...talked to an ex? nope
...missed someone? yep
...hugged someone? yep
...called someone? yep

I actually tried to write this post earlier and failed, but oh well.

Now that I've gotten that out of my system, here's the big news...MCPHS has asked me to interview as a third-year transfer student! Before you give me the confused look, here's how it works...

Essentially, they take people straight out of high school for the Pharm D program, and it takes six years to complete. Since I'm going to have a Bachelor's degree when I enter the program, I get to skip two years at least. The amazing thing is, I already have a transfer counselor, and my whole application isn't even in yet! I really hope I don't blow this interview, because I blew the one at USC, and it felt awful. I hate it when I get too nervous to perform up to par, especially when I think of a hundred things I could have said after it's too late. I don't know when the dates are, but I can guarantee I'll be posting the outcome...good or bad. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

Aside from all of that, this semester is the busiest one on record, and I'm actually finding it difficult to keep up with everything, which is kind of nice for a change. I used to be the girl who sat in her room alone on Thursday nights with a textbook because I had nowhere to go and I wasn't cool enough to be invited out places. That's changed, thanks to the sorority and new life in the fraternity. We're actually going to the Grease Trucks at Rutgers as a fellowship before the big game with Delta Rho. We would never have done anything remotely like that before; it used to be a chore just to get to Sectionals. I'm so excited for us, because this is our opportunity to really grow as a chapter, and I think we're going to be a raging success before too long. I'm especially thrilled about the section-wide formal we're planning, and I hope it kicks us off as a force to be reckoned with. The Hall used to be a major player in New Jersey as far as APO is concerned; they even hosted Sectionals in the past! If we can get back to that caliber, even after I'm gone, I'll be one happy alum.

That's all for now; I really should get more homework done before Thank You for Smoking at 9:00. I've never seen it, but I've heard it's supposed to be really good, so I'm excited. I rarely get time like this with my brothers, and now it's happening twice in one weekend! Good times all around.

Cross your fingers for a win over the Scarlet Knights and a good interview in the near future!
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