Masterlist! (Because apparently they are a good idea.)

Feb 06, 2020 22:57

NOTE: I have moved to tumblr! All of my fandom flailings can now be found there, and I'm on there very regularly! All of my fic is archived at Archive of Our Own and my all of my podfic is archived at the Audiofic Archive. Thank you so much, and I'll see you around!

Podfic Masterlist!


When Two Suns Are Shining (Battle Becomes Blinding) by knowmydark
Arthur and Eames have a special arrangement: whenever a hit is placed on either of them, the other takes the job to keep him from getting killed. (Arthur/Eames)
Unforgiven by knowmydark
Eames is dead. Arthur goes out for revenge. (Arthur/Eames)
Broken Toy by whiskyrunner
Eames is broken and the team doesn't know how to put him back together. (Arthur/Eames)
Don't Feed Me, Seymour by gyzym
"This looks delicious," Eames says, because the only accurate statement would be 'This looks like intestines', and he wants Arthur to keep shagging him. Arthur can't cook: Eames pretends to enjoy anyways. (Arthur/Eames)
I Bet Nureyev Never Had to Deal With This Shit by cobweb_diamond
Arthur has managed to achieve a principal role in The Royal Ballet Company's production of A Midsummer Night's Dream, having just resturned to dancing after recovering from a serious injury. However, his co-star Eames might just drive him insane before Opening Night. (Arthur/Eames)

Avatar: The Last Airbender:

Crossing by sodomquake
1. The act by which anything is cross; as the crossing of the ocean [...] 4. Intersection, as of two paths or roads... [...] Jet and Zuko meet on the ferry to Ba Sing Se. (Jet/Zuko)

The Chronicles of Narnia:

Inches and Miles by agenttrojie
Edmund's recollection of an 'incident' with a Terebinthian ambassador. (In its development stages, this fic was known as "Edmund negotiates horizontally." Which just makes me happy.) (Edmund/OC, character-study)


My Body Betrays Me by emilianadarling
Podbook: Here!
Individual chapters: Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four A | Chapter Four B | Chapter Five

Figment by emilianadarling
Dave Karofsky hates Kurt Hummel. Wants to punch him in that pretty mouth, show him just how abnormal and wrong and sick he is. Dave hates him so much his fists clench, and his jaw hurts, and his stomach twists so hard it feels like he’s going to be sick. (unrequited Karofsky/Kurt)

Radio Play:

The Gibson Murder Case -- a 1940's-style murder mystery
Richard Diamond is a hard-boiled private eye with a nose for murder. But give the man a locked-room case and a gaggle of unusual informants, can he deliver? Tune in tonight to find out!

Podfic Bingo:
Emilianadarling's Podfic Bingo! Read Sexy Collaborate Incorporate Physical Sound Read Deadpan Splice Fics Together Child Character Slash Read with a Smile Sing Crossover/Fusion Rare Pairing DisabilityWild Card! Fairy Tale Action/Adventure Incorporate Music Incorporate Sound Effects Record Standing Up Read with Silence Crack Echo Effect Different Medium Read without Cues <10 Minutes Long Read Animatedly

Fanfic Masterlist!


The Last of the Romantics: Kurt Hummel has always wanted romance. Now that he has Blaine, he's practically giddy with excitement over finally landing the boy of this dreams. But sometimes getting exactly what you want can prove to be more than you can handle. (Kurt/Blaine, warning for emotional abuse and manipulation.)

For Which I Have to Howl: Werewolf AU. Tension is rising in the pack, and having the very-human Kurt Hummel come to visit his brother and boyfriend is putting a strain on everyone. Having Blaine and Kurt mate should help the problem, but the process proves to be more complicated - both physically and emotionally - than either of them could have imagined.
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Epilogue

My Body Betrays Me: Ella Enchanted fusion AU based off this prompt. Kurt's magically compelled to follow orders. A deluded Dave takes advantage; Blaine just wants to make everything okay again.
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four Part One | Chapter Four Part Two | Chapter Five

Podfic for "My Body Betrays Me" as read by emilianadarling:
Podbook: Here!
Individual chapters: Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four A | Chapter Four B | Chapter Five

Fanworks for "My Body Betrays Me":
Art by Muchacha11
Art by sparklepirate/glitterp_fic
Movie Poster by killthecandylady
Movie Trailer by everythingscomingupklaine

Illicit: Blaine leans close enough that their mouths are only an inch apart - and exhales a long stream of smoke right into Kurt’s mouth. Kurt learns about something the Warblers occasionally do at their parties, and it doesn't take long before Kurt and Blaine take it over as something special they share together. An exploration of Kurt and Blaine, intimacy, trust, and control -- through marijuana.

What's Mine (Isn't Yours): On Blaine’s first day at McKinley, it takes him less than five minutes to realize that Dave Karofsky wants his boyfriend. And over the course of the next while, he can’t seem to stop himself from getting more and more bothered by it.

Until My Dying Breath: Vampire AU. On his way home from campus to his apartment on the Upper East Side, Blaine Anderson happens to come across a beautiful young man with bewitching blue eyes. It doesn’t take long, though, for everything Blaine thought was real to fall to pieces. For his world to dissolve into a twisted dance of fear and heat and blood.
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten | Epilogue

Morning After: When Kurt and Blaine wake up, it is the anniversary of the day they first met. (3x05 reaction fic)

Figment: Dave Karofsky hates Kurt Hummel. Wants to punch him in that pretty mouth, show him just how abnormal and wrong and sick he is. Dave hates him so much his fists clench, and his jaw hurts, and his stomach twists so hard it feels like he’s going to be sick. (unrequited)

Shatter: Sequel to Figment. He hadn’t cornered Hummel, hadn’t threatened him. Hadn’t thrown him into more lockers or tossed slushies in his face or called him names across the Cafeteria like usual. Dave hadn’t done anything at all. (unrequited)

Fall to Pieces: Dave Karofsky didn’t know precisely what he was expecting when he and Kurt first had sex, but this was most certainly not it. Written for Glee Kinkmeme! Kinks: size kink, worship, first time, crying.

The Chronicles of Narnia:

Waves Upon the Shore: Instead of Susan, it is Edmund that Caspian gravitates toward during the Pevensies’ second trip to Narnia. And events unfurl dramatically differently because of it. (Alternative title: “Five Times Caspian and Edmund Almost Kissed -- And One Time They Did”.) (Caspian/Edmund)

Policy on Friending: Feel free to friend me! :D I like people, and I love seeing peoples' different stories and experiences. Go nuts, kids!
I am on both tumblr and twitter as Emiliana Darling. Feel free to follow me there, as well! <3

Policy on Fanworks: Feel free to make any fanvideos, manips, or fanart of my fics that you like! The only thing I ask you not to do is podfics. :( I'm really sorry, but I like being able to have my own stories on hand to record.

Also: Writing fic is something fun I do in my spare time. I don't get paid to do it, and it's free entertainment for you. Please be considerate of this when you leave feedback. If you don't like something I've written, click the back button and don't read it.

inception, podfic bingo, podfic, masterlist, avatar: the last airbender

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