Fic: "My Body Betrays Me," Chapter Five. Non-con Kurt/Karofsky, Kurt/Blaine -- COMPLETE!!!!!!

Aug 16, 2011 02:08

I can't believe it's over, you guys. I almost don't want to post this, so that the experience of sharing "Body" with you all will still be happening. But all things must come to an end.

I'm so, so happy to have shared this experience with each and every one of you. Thank you for being such incredible individuals and giving me such an amazing ( Read more... )

kurt/karofsky, fanfic, kinkmeme, glee, my body betrays me, kurt/blaine, fic

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cassidychase August 16 2011, 12:33:10 UTC
I'm just gonna post a comment here, so that the final one doesn't get too freaking long, and cause there is so much to say as it is ( ... )


cassidychase August 16 2011, 12:33:54 UTC
I dunno, I wasn't so into Burt's reaction to Blaine, just because I didn't get enough of a solid emotion from Burt. I know it's told from Blaine's perspective, but a more definite response would have been good. And I NEED Burt to thank Blaine for getting his son out of that god awful mess! Does Burt know that?! Did Kurt tell him?!

I'm glad Blaine has distractions in the form of school etc, poor bb still waiting for Kurt to reply his message. Just... ;____;

I am going to continue now, will wait for your epic response as usual XD <3 ;__; Yea, still crying....


emilianadarling August 17 2011, 20:55:01 UTC
Hmmmm. When it comes to Blaine and Burt's scene, I think we have to remember that the story Kurt's probably told his dad is the extremely emotionally abbreviated version, and Blaine probably doesn't fit in there very prominently. Burt doesn't have the same emotional connection to Blaine that we do as readers, because he wasn't there. He didn't see exactly how much Blaine did, and how much he struggled, and how much he sacrificed for Kurt to be okay.

Because this something similar to the story Kurt told his dad: "This horrible thing happened to me, and I couldn't tell you. Luckily a friend at school found out. I went to confront Karofsky, and my friend came with. Things got serious, it was a close call, and Karofsky ordered me to do forget everything and I broke the curse because I just couldn't. The friend and I aren't talking right now. And here I am."

That story doesn't give you any idea how important Blaine was in everything. Kurt just didn't talk about Blaine very much in detail: Blaine in general was a very emotionally ( ... )


cassidychase August 18 2011, 05:56:47 UTC
Yea, totally get that Burt prob wouldn't have known just how much Blaine had gone through, just wish that he did you know? Blaine goes through so much for Kurt, just wish that he could get some more recognition out of it?

But WHAT THE HELL am I talking about? Of course he got something out of it. SOMEONE NAMED KURT!! He got back his best friend, newly freed forever from his stupid stupid curse and they are gonna go off into the world together and be happy forever and ever!! *squee! *cue yet another love sick sigh XD XD

And don't worry bb, I totally get that Kurt would have given an extremely watered down version to everyone else, and he and Blaine are the only ones (well, not counting Karofsky of course) who know the real full story. In a way it makes the memory(read: nightmare) special I guess, and it will bond them for life, no matter what happens between them in the future.


emilianadarling August 17 2011, 20:44:50 UTC
ALL RIGHTY! Time to get started with responding to lovely comments. :) Hi, honey!! Probably wise to split them in two; you know how much both of us can chatter on! (I love it!)

I'm completely, 100% with you on Karofsky. I know that a lot of people were eager to see him "get punished" in a bigger way, but I just felt that this made so much more sense. (And oh, man, are you right about Karofsky taking Kurt's threat seriously right away. He fucking booked it and never stopped. He knew that it wasn't an empty threat right from the get-go, which was the only thing that stopped him from getting caught by the authorities.) And I think you're totally right in that, in some ways, this is a far worse punishment. Karofsky is going to be looking over his shoulder his entire life, never making real connections, never really being anyone, and feeling the guilt from what he did forever. I think there's something very powerful about that. (Also, I also wanted to highlight the unfortunate fact that people who do bad things don't always get caughtAnd ( ... )


cassidychase August 18 2011, 06:18:34 UTC
Love everything about your response XD Totally agree with the Karofsky situation... so many people get away with these things, and I commented in the second half, there are so many ways that Karofsky could have ended up, but I like the route that you took. In a way, he doesn't get brought to justice, but his life is miserable and empty, so the torture is completely internalized and kinda pitiful, though completely deserved for what he put everyone else through ( ... )


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