Fic: "My Body Betrays Me," Chapter Four -- Part Two. Non-con Kurt/Karofsky, Kurt/Blaine

Aug 08, 2011 04:07

For everything that happens in this chapter... *enormous hug to all of you* Thank you for sticking it out with me. One more to go. :)

Title: "My Body Betrays Me" (Chapter Four: Kurt -- Part Two)
Author: emilianadarling
Fandom: Glee
Pairing: non-con/dub-con Kurt/Karofsky, Kurt/Blaine
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Vaguely explained magic, non-con, dub-con, angst, awful ( Read more... )

kurt/karofsky, fanfic, kinkmeme, glee, my body betrays me, kurt/blaine, fic

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Comments 16

sir_doctor_x August 8 2011, 12:08:42 UTC
Nevermind. I lied and I'm gonna read it now. :D


emilianadarling August 9 2011, 08:06:17 UTC
:D :D :D :D I JUST SAW YOUR AMAZING COMMENT IN PART TWO, BB!! So happy you enjoyed it so much. Glad to be a bad influence and make you read things right away, haha! <3


sir_doctor_x August 10 2011, 11:35:36 UTC
:D :D :D I do tend to enjoy your writing quite a lot, actually; you're amazing. ^^ That's probably also why I read yours straight away...hahaha. I will so be keeping an eye out for more once this one is over!
I plan on replying to your comment on my part two one tomorrow! I just haven't had much time to do anything lately because of packing and being out of the house. D: D: But I'm trying my best. LOL


vitamindc August 8 2011, 14:00:21 UTC
YAY update! Awesome! I would read this quickly right now before class, but I want my feelings to remain under control while I do my math LOL!
So, I'll be back in a few to read and leave a proper comment. SO EXCITED!


emilianadarling August 9 2011, 08:07:39 UTC
Ohmygoodness MATH. It's definitely crucial to getcha head in the game while doing math, bb! Very wise life choice!! :D


sun_and_rain August 8 2011, 15:45:28 UTC
This is so intense, honey. Taking a break to comment here: I'm so frightened of what will happen to Kurt. (And wondering what Blaine's part in this plan is)


emilianadarling August 9 2011, 08:09:14 UTC
Oh, bless you. <3 Thank you ever so much, my lovely. (A break is probably necessary; a whole heck of a lot goes on in this chapter!)

Those... are definitely very, very good concerns. D:


amordemealma August 9 2011, 05:06:10 UTC
okay, I have to get my thoughts together before I move on.

first thought...

... )


emilianadarling August 9 2011, 08:29:06 UTC
Oh, sweetie, I love when you take a moment and post your thoughts for the first half of something. I really, really do -- which might sound strange, but usually be the end of a chapter this long everyone's forgotten about the first half! So seeing your responses laid out like this is just so rewarding, I can't even say. <3 <3 <3 homework can wait, there is ANGST TO BE HAD! no seriously I hope you had time to finish your schoolwork...

(Random thought: man, that Santana gif will never not be appropriate. <3)

:( I'm so sorry, hon! It sucks that you got excited for the curse to break and then NOPE EMILIANA IS A DOUCHE. :( But no... although Kurt is so, so relieved in this chapter to be able to feel disgust while the assault happens. Because having his mind twisted to like it? Is just unimaginably cruel. As terrible as the assault in this chapter is, at the very least Kurt is able to hate it with every fibre of his being. The "Done.", as I'm sure you guessed after continuing on to the next part, is an evilly ambiguous reference to ( ... )


pushplaytobegin August 9 2011, 06:36:21 UTC
Oh, crap. I got so sucked in that I hit the link for the continuation and forgot to leave a comment.

The way the fashion icon posters are removed almost unnoticeably reminds me of how an abuser isolates his victim. Environment can be such a strong influence: comforting or cold. I'm dying to know what the text said and whether the thing Kurt adjusts on the tall shelf has something to do with the (very scary and mysterious) plans.

And once again, I can't really comment on the rape because it's so horrifying. I am just stunned and awed by Kurt's courage. When he calls himself a whore... I just can't understand that level of self-loathing. He's not weak, he's not a whore, he's trapped. I was so scared for him, not being able to breathe. (Didn't it give you the willies to write this? You are amazing.)


emilianadarling August 9 2011, 08:43:41 UTC
Oh, sweetie, I'm just over the moon that you bothered to leave a comment on the first half at all!! Most people just skip right ahead to the next half, which is completely fine as well, of course. (The only reason it's divided up is because LJ wouldn't let me post all 12,000 words in one go ): ) But I love so much that you did choose to leave your thoughts, because so often the beginnings of chapters gets completely forgotten once the end is arrived at. Thank you. <3 ( ... )


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