Title: Small treats
Pair: Xiuhan
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 412
Beta read by:
thetwistedpurl1Prompt: Imagine Person A overhearing Person B singing in the shower and sitting by the door to listen. (Xiuhan)
A/N: This is one of the 12 fics I’ll be or Im posting for the first 12 days of 2013. I took some of the prompts from
http://imagineyourotp.tumblr.com/ and some are just random songs I’ve chosen.
dorkii_simba hop on the challenge too. Some might be long, some might be short. Most of them are slash couples but some aren’t. I either assign the couple that for me click with the prompt or randomly selected from a pot full of paper with different couples.
Happy New Year & Enjoy!
A/N: Even thou I already credit her I still wanna give big thanks to my lovely beta who awesomely & suprisingly quickly turn this awkward little drabble (and my first attempt of writing a Exo fic) into something good enough to share here... on the internet.
Luhan walked past the bathroom door only to stop when he heard Minseok’s voice. Minseok was singing! It was such a rare treat to hear him sing that Luhan stopped beside the bathroom door to sit and listen. Resting his head on the wall, Luhan reached with his hand to open the door just a bit so he could hear Minseok’s voice more clearly.
Luhan recognized the song as one of Minseok’s recent favorites. Luhan distinctly remembered the day Minseok excitedly slipped one of his iPod ear buds into Luhan’s ear so he could hear it, too.
As Luhan got comfortable on the floor, he closed his eyes and enjoyed the distinctive color of Minseok’s voice. After a couple of minutes, Minseok started another song…. one that happened to be Luhan’s favorite of the month. Luhan remembered when he first introduced it to Minseok; he used the need to learn the words as an excuse to sync the song to Minseok’s iPod. He told him to listen to it, and to pay careful attention to how the words were pronounced. Luhan smiled remembering Minseok’s face as he listened to the instructions. It was all seriousness and determination. Luhan felt proud hearing how well Minseok vocalized the words of the song even though he was pretty sure he didn’t know the meanings of them.
Jongdae walked by, kicking Luhan’s feet lightly as he passed. Luhan looked up at him and inclined his head toward the door. Once Jongdae caught the sound of Minseok’s voice, he completely understood why Luhan was sitting on the floor. Jongdae smiled, and left the older man alone to continue his listening in peace.
Luhan closed his eyes again and just relaxed into the sound of Minseok’s voice. He startled when a slightly damp Minseok shook his shoulder to awaken him. As his eyes took in the small smile painting Minseok’s lips, Luhan blinked several times to clear away the remaining drowsiness.
With an amused voice, Minseok asked, “Were you listening again?”
Luhan smiled as he nodded and replied, “Best way to relax after a long day of work.”
Minseok laughed at the handsome man on the floor, and held out a hand to help Luhan up. While Minseok put clothes on, Luhan went in search of his laptop. Once they both got settled, they sat on the couch for a while just to share songs. Who knows? Maybe Minseok will sing them too, one day while Luhan listens.