Twelve fics for the first twelve days of 2013: What really means [Jaemin]

Jan 03, 2013 23:45

Title: What really means
Pair: Jaemin
Genre: Angst (but not really)
Word Count: 582
Beta read by: thetwistedpurl1
Prompt: Imagine your OTP walking down a snowy deserted street and looking back at their footprints left in the snow. Optional: they try to walk backwards in the others’ footprints. (Jaemin)
A/N: This is one of the 12 fics I’ll be or Im posting for the first 12 days of 2013. I took some of the prompts from and some are just random songs I’ve chosen. dorkii_simba hop on the challenge too. Some might be long, some might be short. Most of them are slash couples but some aren’t. I either assign the couple that for me click with the prompt or randomly selected from a pot full of paper with different couples.
Happy New Year & Enjoy!

A/N: This is the third fic and the fic for today!

After years of not seeing each other, they met on a cold and snowy night. The street was painted in white, and it would’ve been empty if it weren’t for the two of them walking along side by side. The silence between them was thick, with neither of them knowing what to say first after years of conversations being put on hold. The oldest of the pair spoke into the silence first.

“You are both doing a great job. I enjoy seeing you guys perform on television. You guys deserve it.” The taller man nodded and whispered a simple ‘thank you’.

They kept walking in silence until the taller man stopped and turned to look at the one he once considered his brother.

“Why have you contacted me after all these years Jaejoong? I’ve changed my phone number, you’ve changed your phone number…. Why now when the year is almost over and the situation has been settled?”

Jaejoong looked into the younger man’s eyes and shrugged. “I wanted to talk to you Changmin, and maybe talk to Yunho, too. I think I still need to explain my actions to you and to him, but especially to you. I wanted to know if you were okay. I wanted to make sure that you didn’t hate me. I don’t care much for what other people think of me, but your opinion and Yunho’s matter to me.”

Changmin scoffed at Jaejoong’s words. “You clearly care about Yoochun’s and Junsu’s opinions more than mine.”

Jaejoong’s gaze softened at Changmin’s words and the hurt he could feel behind them. He reached for Changmin’s hand and the youngest let him grasp it.

“All four opinions matter to me, Min. You know that we all have to do what we think is best to achieve our dreams, and my dream is not so different from yours, Changminnie. Staying there wasn’t enough anymore, but my dreams still lie with you guys and with the group. Please don’t think that I don’t want you or the group anymore. I just… the dream got bigger. I want to do more Changmin, but I’m no longer an idol. I’m no longer what the company wants.”

Changmin nodded his understanding at Jaejoong’s words. “You know I don’t resent you, nor do I resent Yoochun or Junsu. I just wished things hadn’t turned out as badly as they did.”

Jaejoong smiled at Changmin’s words “Come on,” Jaejoong whispered and they turned around, each walking back in the other’s footprints in the snow.

“I’m glad you and Yunho stayed.”

Changmin looked at the older man, and asked “Why?”

“You guys proved to everyone, especially the company, what we and the fans already knew.” Jaejoong said looking at Changmin.

“And what is that?”

Jaejoong smiled. “That you guys were born for the stage. That as we proved we didn’t needed the company to succeed, you & Yunho proved that DBSK didn’t depend only on me, or Junsu or Yoochun. You both stood your ground and reminded everyone of what DBSK really means.”

They both stop walking and looked into each other’s eyes.

“What DBSK really means hyung?” Changmin asked, standing before Jaejoong, all tall and grown up.

Jaejoong pressed his cold hand on Changmin’s cheek. “Determination.”

Changmin smiled and wrapped his gloved hands around Jaejoong’s cold hand. They resumed walking knowing that this simple little chat had changed something between them. They weren’t back to where they used to be. But determination will carry them toward the path to reform their friendship, brotherhood and maybe… maybe rekindle their almost forgotten love.

12fics12days2013, jaemin, changmin, dbsk, fic: what really means, jaejoong

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