NaNoWriMo 2013

Oct 25, 2013 01:22

We are just a week away from November 1, 2013 and I thought it would be a good time to appear here, give some signs of being alive and to maybe (because I dont think theres a lot of people left here to care about what I write and there is nothing wrong with that. Life goes on and we get busy each passing second) someone would want to know what Im gonna write for this years NaNoWriMo.

Now, I think I need to briefly explain what NaNoWriMo is for those who don't know or aren't sure of the meaning or what entails. NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month and its regular session is in November. They do have some other session throughout the year called Camp NaNoWrimo but maybe I'll take about those in another post (if you are really curious just ask in the comments and I'll explain). So, what you do in NaNoWriMo, besides the obvious part of writing?

Well, for the month of November (all those glorious and very important 30 days) you will/could challenge yourself to write 50,000 words of a novel/story. If you break it down into word counts per day is 1,667 words.

Is a very attainable but still very challenging goal and since is a quantity goal and not a quality goal you can suck as much as possible and as long as you write and end with at least 50,000 words by November 30, 2013 you win!

This is great for people who wants to get a habit of writing everyday, for those dying to sit and write that story (original or fanfic) and the great thing about it is the amount of support your gonna find in the forums and different social media platforms.

A good amount of YA authors (if your read YA) and some adult fiction authors take nanowrimo as a chance to get that painful first draft out so they can later revise and edit and with months of work release it for us the readers.

Add to that, some authors who don't participate for many different reasons try to through their social media outlets encourage the writing process and the discipline that is hard to install but so necessary to a creative outlet like writing (remember other creative outlets need discipline too).

So if you think you want and can do it go to and sign up. If you have an idea and you feel like you need help on the outlining process (specially since nanowrimo is around the corner) I'll promise to write tomorrow a entry with tons of videos and website as resources you can use to outline your idea and to help you go through your nano experience.

If this is your first time or your fifth time tell me in the comments!

Here I leave my nanowrimo profile for the people who will like to add me as writing buddies and cheer each others to the finish line:

So for my nanowrimo story... it was suppose to be a story that a friend said she will try to write it but Exo fandom has suck her very deeply and she has so many ideas for stories and she still revising a huge Exo fic (I think is a Baekris (Kris and Baekhyun)) that I ended outlining it and deciding to write it for this nano.

The story is called:

I've spent a couple of hours trying to write a summary without re-telling the whole first chapter so when I finally craft the right summary for this story I'll post it here.

Just so you can have an idea of what this is roughly about: cool (and a bit terrifying) super powers, outterspace and spaceships. It is a Science Fiction story.

It features a slightly big cast (most of the form SMent so far... and I say so far because my friends know I keep adding characters left and right).

Here I'll present you pretty (and really simple edits) with most of the characters of The Children of the Sun:

Jaejoong, Kris, Luhan, Xiumin

Changmin, Junsu, Sehun, Tao

Yoochun, Yunho, Suho, Kai

Chen, Lay, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Kyungsoo (D.O), Henry & Amber

I'll edit later with the poster of the rest of the characters, but if you wanna know who are the rest here is a tiny list:
Heechul, Jay, Jungmo, Hangeng, Kyuhyun & Zhoumi.

I might add some more characters, depende where my outline takes me since Im half-way through the story.

All this will be cross-posted at my other account atheend because there it goes everything that has to do with my new fandoms.
I think, once the story is written, revised, edited and all that jazz, I'll cross-post it here at emda and at atheend

trax, jyj, fic: the children of the sun, dbsk, suju, nanowrimo, fx, exo

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