13th and 14th of Feb - Get a Different Name Day, St. Valentines Day

Feb 14, 2010 18:11

 At first I didn't know how to celebrate Get a Different Name Day. I mean, I couldn't get a different name, and I wasn't going to a party so I couldn't rename a whole group of people.

I was at a loss.

And then, out of nowhere, a friend informs me they have made a false Facebook page, so, like, easy out!


So that was yesterday, this is today:

Feb 14th, St. Valentines Day. A day where some shun the world and others partake in that dizzying wine that is... ok well it's more like a cocktail, it's not as pure as a wine. I mean, a wine is pretty much just 'wine' it'll never be anything else, but love, and especially Valentines Day love is a combination of attraction, affection, arousal, and entitlement (entitlement as in this is the day we love each other, not some kind of weird possessive thing).

I have forgotten what I was talking about.

Jackson you are a goddamn retard!

Ah yes, Valentines Day. There are a lot of differing opinions on Valentines Day; John for instance abhors it as he feels it forces him to love, I couldn't give a damn either way and use it as an excuse to do something fun with Michelle. We're both probably right. There's also a lot of talk and hee-hawing about people hating Valentines Day if they are single, but as we've seen above, people who are in a relationship can an do hate it too.

Then you get people who complain about the commercial aspect, that Valentines Day is just a day that forces people to buy things and has no inherent meaning. This is true. Like seriously it is. St. Valentine was in no way the patron saint of lovers. In fact a quick bit of researching (read: Wikipedia) shows that he once built a church and that he was stoned to death, (actually, after reading it a bit better I see that he was stoned to death for marrying christian couples, so make of that what you will). What I guess I'm trying to say is that no one is forcing you to buy something for your significant other, the day doesn't have to be commercialized for you. Take it as a day to celebrate your love, not love in general. And if you're reading this with your lover, how about you stop and do something else, you goddamn shut in.

Holy shit look out dude! Those babies have sticks!

Happy Valentines Day


*tomorrow is National Gumdrop Day - oh joy*

st. valentines day, rant, gumdrop day, love, photos, facebook, nigel husqavana, michelle, john, get a different name day

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