Title: Fear and Freedom Characters: Kara, Lacy, Socrata, others Rating: PG-13 for implied child abuse Words: 2,850 Summary: After Dreilide leaves, the Temple sends Kara and Socrata to Gemenon. A/N: This may make more sense if you've seen Caprica, but you don't really need to have.
Title: Dark of Night Rating: NC-17 Pairing: Kara/Lee Words: 1,663 Summary: Pre-mini, Kara and Lee give in to something they've been resisting for months. Angst warning!
Title: Like A Sister, chapter 2 Rating: PG-13 Genre: Friendship Characters: Kara & Boomer, references to Boomer/Chief and Kara/Helo Disclaimer: Not mine! Summary: Kara and Sharon talk about boys. Boomer gets christened. (Not that the Colonials would say christened!)
Prologue: Chapter 9 Title: Prologue (chapter 9) Rating: PG-13 Genre: Romance/Angst Pairing: Kara/Zak and Kara/Lee Disclaimer: Not mine! Summary: Daybreak flashbacks, extended edition. Lee gets back for the funeral.
Title: Prologue (chapter 5) Rating: PG-13 Genre: Romance/Angst Character/Pairing: Kara/Zak and Kara/Lee Disclaimer: Not mine! Summary: Daybreak flashbacks, extended edition. Lee comes for the engagement party.