It's (already) beginning to feel a lot like Christmas!

Nov 26, 2010 11:24

 I had a lovely Thanksgiving with friends, and I haven't even finished digesting the (very heavy and starchy) meal, but my Christmas tree is up:

I even have a few presents wrapped! (if you click several times you can see a close up of some of my ornaments)
I've finished preparing my Christmas cards for me to mail December 1st...  and I'm feeling like I might be able to manage to throw a small party... maybe (I hate throwing parties).

I do know that it is ridiculously early, but last year I didn't get to put up my tree at all (everything was in storage) so I wanted to enjoy my tree for a while this year.  Enjoy it until I'm done with jury duty and will go to my brother's for Christmas... and then leave for warmer climates at the beginning of January!


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