Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

Nov 27, 2010 12:18

No spoilers:
 I seriously need to recommend the Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins.  It is a young adults sci-fi novel about a  world set in North America in a distant dystopian future where children from the out-lying districts between the ages of 12-18 are sent to fight to the death for the entertainment of the elite decadent people in the Capital city.  It doesn't sound like much, right?  Kind of an over worked plot?  Well it is the characters, rich layered characters who operate in the gray areas of conflicting agendas, that make this a remarkable series.  It is hard to believe that this series is meant for young people!  Our heroine is strong independent and complicated (she is totally the anti-Bella, from Twilight).  She is easily the best female character I've read in years; even when I doubted in the rightness of her actions, I never doubted in her consistency and the truth of her character.  The story is dark but frequently there is a bitter cynical humor and an uplifting belief in the possibility of a happier future.

I found the entire series in my (small rural) public library, so it has to be in yours.  
Book 1:  Hunger Games  
Book 2: Catching Fire  
Book 3:  Mockingjay

seriously, read it so we can discuss it!

suzanne collins, books, hunger games

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