Alphabet meme

Aug 02, 2010 08:30

* A - ACCENT: American but indeterminate (no particular USA region)
* B - BOOBS: too big imo
* C - CHORE YOU HATE: scrubbing floors (but I almost never do it)
D - DAD'S NAME: Edward Ambrose (but he tried to keep the middle name secret)
* E - ESSENTIAL MAKE-UP ITEMS: none, but I'll wear chap stick in winter.
* F - FAVOURITE PERFUME: I cannot bear scents on me or anyone else.
* G - GOLD OR SILVER: used to be gold, now I never wear jewelry.
* H - HOMETOWN: don't have one really... none I acknowledge anyway.
* I - INSOMNIA: VERY rarely (almost never)
* J - JOB TITLE: none... frequently I was called a Financial Manager, but really I was always an Accounts Payable/payroll clerk
* K - KIDS: none, zip, nada
* L - LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: just moved into a 2 bed 1 bath single wide trailer
* M - MOM'S NAME: Marian Elizabeth (I was named for her)
* N - NUMBER OF TIMES YOU WANT TO SLAP SOME SENSE INTO SOMEONE: I'm not really a hitter... not to say I'm not impatient w/people a lot!
* P - PHOBIA: cockroaches, spiders... I'm not keen on insects
* Q - QUEST: contentment and inner peace
* R - RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: semi-Buddhist, and/or agnostic
* S - SIBLINGS: brother (I once had 2 brothers and a sister)
* T - TIME YOU WAKE UP: varies... usually 7 hours after falling asleep
* U - UNNATURAL HAIR COLOURS YOU'VE WORN: black (for Halloween) white (for a play) and pink (for fun) - all temporary
* V - VEGETABLE YOU REFUSE TO EAT: I'm fairly open to vegetables....
* W - WORST HABIT: day dreaming, and being lazy
* X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: teeth, chest, feet (back in the days when they had them in shoe stores), colon... probably others I don't even remember
* Y - YUMMY FOODS YOU MAKE: curry, but I'm not much of a cook
* Z - ZANY QUIRK: liking to shock others ... silly artwork ... I don't really know.


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