The Ghost Writer (no spoilers)

Feb 25, 2010 19:09

 I left Arizona yesterday morning and checked into The Hollywood EconoLodge (which has free parking and free internet) because I thought it would be close to things, but I underestimated how big the area was.... I'm not really prepared to walk 5-6 miles to sight see, so I'm driving around (I looked into public transportation, but unfortunately parking is cheaper than the bus).

So last night I had a great dinner at a near by Japanese Restaurant, and then spent a quiet evening washing my hair and channel surfing between American Idol and the Olympics.

Today I went up to the ArcLight Cinema (one of only 4, I believe, showing this movie) to see The Ghost Writer (it will be titled simple The Ghost in the UK).  I had made it a priority because of Olivia (Adelle on Dollhouse) Williams, and she was amazing... but then everyone was amazing!  I've never liked Ewan McGregor more, I don't think Pierce Brosnan has ever been better, and I hardly recognized Kim Cattrall!

The movie is a modern political thriller, but like traditional British mysteries it is full of beautiful scenery and intense relationships.  I loved every minute of the 128 min. film, and I recommend it to everyone.  It is not too scary, it is not gory or in any way off putting.   And there are some wonderfully funny lines, beautifully under played.

I think a lot of reviewers are inclined to be hard on the film because of the director, Roman Polanski, I can only say that he didn't enter my mind once during the duration of the film.  I love a good mystery, and this one was wonderful IMO.

Tomorrow I'm going to do some touristy stuff in the morning, and then tomorrow night I'll see Nick (Xander on Buffy) Brendon in Why Torture is Wrong, and the People Who Love Them.

LA is always a lot of fun, but the streets are always too crowded and it is hard to get around easily....

olivia williams, the ghost writer, movie

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