TV DVDs Meme

Feb 21, 2010 10:40

I guess all the cool kids are doing this, I got it from shadowkat67 :

List all of the television shows you have on DVD, no matter how obscure or embarrassing. Even if you only own one season, list it. Let's see who has what!

1. Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Seasons 1-7
2. Angel the Series - Seasons 1-5.
3. Dexter - Season 1-3
4. Veronica Mars - seasons 1 and 2
5. Burn Notice - seasons 1 and 2
6. Firefly and Serenity
7. Extras (that is a British series)
8. A&E's lengthy BBC miniseries Pride & Prejudice
9. Just one season of Blackadder (ie Blackadder the Third, set during the Regency Period)

Oops I almost forgot:
10. Dollhouse season 1 (I'll get season 2 the second it is out on DVD!)

ACK!!  I forgot (I'm so forgetful):
11.  Two seasons of RTD's Doctor Who:  series 1 with Christopher Eccleston as Doctor #9, and series 4 with Catherine Tate as Donna.

tv dvds, meme

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