Ceramics fun

Apr 03, 2009 17:59

 My latest semester of ceramics classes just started today, and I thought I would show some of my recent work.  First I should show you my influence:

This is called haniwa, it is a tradition of ancient Japanese burial  ceramics.  At some point the important people realized that burying their actual servants with them was not really the best idea, so they started to bury these wonderful figures representing servant, musicians, soldiers etc.
I admire the simplicity of the faces, you do just enough to show what the figure is, but not enough to be a realistic sculpture.

So I have started to make figures of my beloved characters from TV, films and novels:
Jayne Cobb

Who wouldn't want to have a great mercenary like Jayne Cobb protecting them throughout time?

Elphaba from Wicked

I was really blown away by the musical Wicked, and then really enjoyed the book, so of course I wanted my own Elphaba!

The Monk Cadfael

I've read all of Ellis Peter's Cadfael mysteries and I even made the pilgrimage to Shrewsbury to visit the places where the fictional character never really lived.  He is a huge favorite of mine!

Jane Austen

Okay, Jane is NOT a fictional character, but this doesn't really look much like her anyway... but you can see how I'm adapting the same simple features to a vase shape...  I'm going to continue doing more figure, both as figurines and as little vases (I'm kind of loving doing these).
Stay tuned for Snape and Gandolf!

haniwa, artwork, cadfael, jayne cobb, ceramics, wicked, jane austen

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