The newest/littlest Martell

Aug 04, 2007 07:17

We (me & my family)  had some excitement last night....
my cousin decided to have a child (not last night, this decision had to have been at least 9 months ago), here she is all pregnant w/her life partner 

and at 6:18 pm (Texas time) their son arrived!  Reece Anthony Martell,
so here is the newest little Martell (a red head no less!):

7 lbs 14 oz
I was able to pick out a gift and send it online w/a personalized message...
the internet really blows my mind sometimes, I love getting photos just hours after the birth!

It was very exciting for me to be included in the flurry of e-mails last night, and isn't he cute?

The name is actually very funny, my cousins don't know this but my big brother used to call my little brother 'Reece' for years.  Back in the day there was a famous baseball player called Pee Wee Reece....
My big brother had gotten in trouble for making our little brother very angry by calling him Pee Wee all the time (he WAS very small), so Big Bro switched to calling little brother Reece....  Which was met w/confusion and incomprehension....   Oh I just looked it up, and I guess the name was Reese, but still....


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