The newest/littlest Martell

Aug 04, 2007 07:17

We (me & my family)  had some excitement last night....
my cousin decided to have a child (not last night, this decision had to have been at least 9 months ago), here she is all pregnant w/her life partner 
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Comments 4

wildigital August 4 2007, 19:39:32 UTC
Awww. And that's a good head of hair he's got there too!


embers_log August 4 2007, 22:03:07 UTC
I shouldn't be so proud of him, after all I didn't do anything!
Actually he is the first red-headed boy in the family, traditionally the red hair only appears in younger daughters...


wildigital August 6 2007, 14:33:34 UTC
Come on, when a family succeeds, they all get credit!


callmeserenity August 6 2007, 12:16:14 UTC
awww!!! That is fantastic news! Congratulations all around. He is adorable!!


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