Comic Con Day 3 - Friday the Awesomest Day ever

Jul 27, 2007 19:20

I have had an awesome day, of course I could go to dinner w/Browncoats tonight, but I wanted to come back to my room to relax....

I got down to the convention center early, whichi is a huge mistake because the doors open late...evidently they usually open late!  The Comic Con organizers can't open until the exhibitions are set up, and evidently they are very flakey about getting up and running....
but finally at 10:20 am they let us in and I made a bee line for the Harry Potter bags (which really are incredibly cool), and I did score one! 
Then I went upstairs to room 4 where the IDW comcs (the Spike & Angel comic book people) would be having a panel, but what was just starting was a DC Talent Search where they talked about art work, what it takes to be a comic book artist, and handed out forms for us to fill out and attach to our xeroxed copies of our portfolio....
well I did have my Jane Eyre comic book with me, so I decided it couldn't hurt....  So I've submitted a copy of that.

The IDW panel was interesting, but dominated by the Master of Ceremonies, Chris Ryall, so there was no possibility of asking any questions to Brian Lynch...  But he did talk briefly about Angel, but I wanted to hear more about working with Joss (it looks like Joss' name is getting billing above Brian's which hardly seems fair).
Spike will be in it, and Brian won't tell who else survived/was raised from the dead/or will otherwise show up.  There will NOT be a cross over w/any Buffy comic characters but Brian claims that if he begged Joss enough they could do it, it just wasn't necessary.

The title:  Angel: After the Fall refers to after the downfall of some of our Angel team, and after the downfall of Wolfram and Hart in LA, and after Fall...which means it will be Winter.

Actually Brian said they ALL died, that all the characters we've known died in that alley in the rain, but that it was seen by a hobo and we'll be hearing about how he watched the fight and then spent 15 years in therapy.

And guess what?!?!?!  IDW will be doing a Doctor Who comic, I really like the drawings of David Tennant, which are not 'realistic' but never the less look a lot like him (David Tennant's face is kind of a cartoon begin with).

I did stop downstairs in the main exhibition room again, and Mark Shepard was down my the Browncoat table, so I took a photo with him 
and Brett Mathews (who worked ont he past & future Serenity comics) was signing, so I got his autograph.

I went up early for the 2pm Neil Gaiman 'panel' - he was all alone and was bemoaning not preparing anything...but of course he was brilliantly funny and entertaining.  His movie Star Dust had been previewed the night before and will come out in theaters soon....
He talked about so many things... lets see:
Good Omens: Terry Gillian really wants to make the movie but so far nobody will give him the $70 million dollars, so he is just waiting.  So if anyone has $70 million under the sofa cushions then they should give him a call!
oh there is too much, I took 3 pages of notes...and I'm trying to eat dinner in my room... so it'll have to wait.
But I will mention that I scored a free Neil Gaiman t-shirts which is a cartoon of him as Mr. Scary Trousers,
a name he received from Alan Moore once at dinner.... when Moore's graphic descriptions of the murder of Mary Kelly so turned Neil's stomach that he had to leave to get some air...and Alan Moored yelled after him, "there goes Neil 'scary trousers' Gaiman - Master of Fantasy Horror!"

I came back to the Hotel to meditate and discovered that I'd been given a platter of fresh fruit and a big bottle of bubbly lemonade (very cool!), and I returned in time for the Top Cow panel but Seth Green wasn't there...and I really wasn't that interested in staying for all of that without him....

So I wandered more through the exhibit room and bought some wonderful Doctor Who toys
, and learned that Joss had stopped by the Browncoat table before 5 pm (so I'd missed him by at least an hour).

So now I'm at the hotel to relax, enjoy a sandwich (along with some of that fruit) and a hot bath.
Thus ends a long day of awesome fun, culmanating in my over-using the word 'awesome' here at lj....

Tomorrow will be a very big day, wish me luck in getting into Ballroom 20!

brian lynch, comics, cons, neil gaiman

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