
May 20, 2007 20:04

I went to see Waitress today and I really loved it.  I was tempted to add it to my post from last night because although the movie is very much a romantic comedy, it also is sensitive to some very serious issue and problems that many women face.  I had read some reviews that felt that our heroine's husband was painted too dark, but frankly I've ( Read more... )

nathan fillion, movie

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Comments 7

callmeserenity May 21 2007, 13:05:22 UTC
Wow! That's fantastic. I've only heard itty bits about this movie (That Nathan's in it, that it's called "Waitress". That's about it.) And of course it's not playing anywhere near me. But, if I get a chance to see it, I definitely will!


embers_log May 21 2007, 14:42:44 UTC
I'm thinking (hoping) that it'll progress like 'My Big Fat Greek Wedding' and/or 'Little Miss Sunshine' did:
good reviews and big audiences in a limited number of theaters will eventually lead to more and more theaters running the movie. It takes a while (in Iowa we didn't get to see 'MBFGW' until Autumn, it had been out and getting into more theaters all summer but it took that long to make it to us.


callmeserenity May 21 2007, 14:49:14 UTC
I hope so. Because, if it comes here, I'll definitely see it!


ancientgirl May 21 2007, 13:32:12 UTC
I've seen previews and it does look like a cute movie.

I haven't seen a movie in ages! I told Alice we had to see something this weekend, so we're going to try and see Shrek the third, and Pirates.


embers_log May 21 2007, 14:45:08 UTC
I'm skipping ShrekIII and Spiderman3 but I'll be watching Pirates soon, hopefully this weekend... I'm very excited about that one (I hope it is good!)!

But you should definitely put Waitress on your list, it is very funny...and is interesting too, it has stuff to say along with the humor.


ancientgirl May 21 2007, 15:17:32 UTC
I'll put it on my list. I have to check if its playing here, I'm sure it is, I just need to see what theater it might be playing at.


embers_log May 21 2007, 16:23:19 UTC
I'll bet it is in Miami by now, it is only in 116 theaters at the moment, but I think most big cities have it by now....


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