Grad Schools, Moving, and Tales of the Abyss, oh my

Jun 04, 2011 13:47

So what is essentially my summer vacation is drawing to a close, as I move back to Bryn Mawr for RLI on the 14th, and it's primarily been composed of a lot of insomnia and flopping around the house. Finished Eternal Punishment at last and otherwise have been playing Tales of the Abyss, which I have Complex Thoughts on.

The short of it is; I despised this game and everything in it when I first played it, and now it's one of my all time favorites. While I can't necessarily define what made my opinion change Jade Curtiss I can nevertheless say I am pleasantly surprised. Also been playing Vesperia, which was amazing right up until I heard Yaeger's accent, after which the game became the most beautiful thing ever.

Been reading again, which makes me happy. Reread "Good Omens", which sadly wasn't quite as good as I remembered it being, and got through "Baader-Meinhof", which was excellent and I highly recommend for anybody looking for a narrative-style scholarly account of some of the most interesting psychopaths. So currently doing a reread of "Master and Margarita" and will start "People of the Book" pretty soon. Would like to get these done before RLI starts.

My parents have decided to move (two days after I go back, no less), so life is starting to become pretty hectic. It's not a super great feeling to be packing up your life and moving away from the house you grew up in, but it could be a lot worse. We're only moving a half hour from where we currently live. I personally don't like the new house all that much but eh, not like I'm going to be living there a whole lot in the coming years.

And, in order to distract myself and because I'm in that planning/organization kind of mood, I've been looking up graduate schools. Which isn't going well, mostly because I have no idea what I'm doing. I think I'm approaching this too much like how I did for undergrad, which is to say "Location/program/name/few professors who I know from publications". I have a few schools that my professors got their degrees from, but no actual idea of how to distinguish a good program from a bad one.

Just my luck that I'm looking at plans that require talking to professors during vacation ;D


life is like a box of powerthirst, video games, lyceum

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