In Reference to this post: (and THIS one, later on:
(11:27:56 AM) Em: amy and I are thinking of making a squid or two.
(11:29:11 AM) Changlingsea: cool.
(11:29:26 AM) Em: But we're not going to use felt, I don't think.
(11:31:43 AM) : Changlingsea: probably a good idea with cat hair and stuff.
(11:32:03 AM) Em: yeah, and cat kneading
(11:34:39 AM) Changlingsea: yeah that too
(11:40:42 AM) Em: Amy is going to make her's blue and red, and I'm not sure what mine will be yet.
(11:41:35 AM) Changlingsea: hmm, that is hard. dark green and black for Cthulu
(11:41:47 AM) Em: oh. Do you wants one too?
(11:45:15 AM) Changlingsea: i know i won't make one myself. if i made one it would be... lime green and pink.
(11:45:41 AM) Em: okey dokey. lime green outside and pink inside?
(11:45:50 AM) Changlingsea: yeah.
(11:52:27 AM) Em: Amy said we should initially sew the three squids together so that they're conjoined, then perform surgery on them.
(11:53:11 AM) Changlingsea: hahahahahaha. siamese squid.
(11:53:27 AM) Em: yeah. then we thought we'd take pics and send it to the person who blogged that.
(11:54:41 AM) Changlingsea: she'd like that!
(11:55:04 AM) Em: i bet. specially if we take pics of the surgical separation.
(11:55:59 AM) Changlingsea: ooo or video. i have a video camera.
(11:56:22 AM) Em: oooh, that would be even cooler.
(11:56:53 AM) Changlingsea: yeah we could do it all "alien autopsy" style.
(11:57:54 AM) Em: oh, lets.
(11:58:49 AM) Changlingsea: heeheehee. bad lighting, shaky camera work, horrified voice over...
(11:59:47 AM) Em: too bad the mother died during birth.
(12:05:04 PM) Changlingsea: yes, most unfortunate.
(12:06:40 PM) Em: indeed. she had to be made into calamari immediately.
(12:07:19 PM) Changlingsea: she fed an entire fishing village for a week.
(12:07:36 PM) Em: it's the circle of life.
(12:07:56 PM) Changlingsea: but now the village is raising her children to be circus freaks.
(12:08:18 PM) Em: lol
(12:14:58 PM) Changlingsea: luckily the government has stepped in and retrieved them for research purposes. wait... that's not lucky!
(12:15:13 PM) Em: so we're fostering them?
(12:15:55 PM) Changlingsea: we've clearly gone PETA on the government and have rescued them from a research facility.
(12:16:46 PM) Em: But if we were REALLY PETA, we'd throw them back in the water and let them die.
(12:17:10 PM) Changlingsea: well, we're fake PETA because no one is making ashtrays out of my feet when i die.
(12:18:27 PM) Em: wait. Who's feet get made into ashtrays?
(12:18:50 PM) Changlingsea: the crazy ass president of PETA. You haven't seen her manifesto yet?
(12:19:31 PM) Em: no? Who's feet are going to be made into ashtrays, tho?
(12:20:01 PM) Changlingsea: I'll send you a link. it is under letter c.
(12:20:14 PM) Changlingsea: (12:27:00 PM) Em: wowcrazy.
(12:27:16 PM) Changlingsea: i know. frighteningly so.
(12:30:16 PM) Changlingsea: what worries me more is that PETA appears to be proud of this *wacknoodle's will.
(12:33:26 PM) Em: well, they do sponsor domestic terrorists, so this is not surprise.
(12:35:12 PM) Changlingsea: no. i guess i knew they were nuts but not how nuts until i saw this.
(12:36:13 PM) Em: I'm sure all those animals will appreciate it, don't you think? I know minks are positively conscientious about that sort of thing.
(12:37:30 PM) Changlingsea: they are, in between the biting and visciousness.
(12:38:11 PM) Em: yeah. we should just free 'em all. that would neither disrupt that natural world nor would it kill them all because they don't know how to live in the wild.
(12:39:03 PM) Changlingsea: oh it would be totally fine. i mean, they have instincts right? i mean they would know what is food and what isn't and how to hide from predators and where to sleep where it's safe.
(12:39:23 PM) Em: and about cars.
(12:39:33 PM) Em: Oh, maybe we should just get rid of cars?
(12:40:18 PM) Changlingsea: well, they do run over little animals and poison the air and are subjegated to our evil human wills...
(12:44:33 PM) Em: I think we should get rid of all humans, too.
(12:44:43 PM) Em: that'd
(12:45:40 PM) Changlingsea: LOL, snort.
(12:48:10 PM) Changlingsea: so hungry. gonna get a bagel sandwich at big apple bagels.
(12:57:21 PM) Em: sounds good except for the bagel part.
(1:00:01 PM) Changlingsea: salt bagel, mmmmmm. well i'm off.
(1:00:07 PM) Changlingsea: bai.
(1:00:12 PM) Changlingsea: has left the conversation.
*wacknoodle: One of the best words EVER.