So, today I went to the weight-management meeting about this "Ideal Protein" diet. My mom has co-workers who are on this diet and are losing alot of weight pretty guy has now lost 60 pounds since Feb.
On this diet you are discouraged from exercise (so Zumba would pretty much be out), you aren't to eat 'any' bread or fruits/fruit juices, no milk, etc. ...not even carrots.
They've got these vitamins you'd take every day and then you're drinking alot of their shakes and eating mainly only 'their' foods that you'd purchase from them. Which are expensive.
And, for the 1st 3 days on this diet you 'may' feel pretty tired and crappy.
This is not a diet you'd stay on indefinitely -once you get within 5lbs. of your goal weight than they'd start a system that is pretty much weening you off of their diet.
I'm just really not sure what to think of this diet aside from the shit-ton of money it would cost just for the food products. 'At least' $100 a week -every week- in food...and that's only 3 boxes of their it a box of 7 packets of their shakes (which you're to have more than one shake a that box may not even last two days), or their oatmeal variety box, etc. It's insanely expensive for only a week of food.
-During this, if I were to follow this diet, I'd be stopping by the hospital every week for my weekly weigh-in/measurements...not a big deal, though a bit annoying.
So yeah...for now, we just don't have the money. My mom had offered to pay for this if I went through with it, but it's too much money and I can't ask her to spend that on me. I don't have it and, really, neither does she.
Apparently, when her co-workers were singing the praises of this diet they neglected to mention the cost behind it.:/
I'm questioning whether or not I'm making the right decision in 'not' going through with this diet...I'm just not sure.
I've already hit up Zumba each night of this week so far and have 2 more to go -which I fully intend to do.
I feel that if I stick to my Zumba on a regular and consistent schedule, as well as continue to watch my diet (minimal junk-food intake), and even add in some walking -that I could do this on my own and reach my goal-weight before summer of this next year (assuming the world doesn't end at the tick of!).
-My plan is that once Zumba stops working for me, to start in on something like kick-boxing for more weight loss, strength training, and perhaps even some toning -then get into pilates for more strength and toning. Once I've reached my goal-weight I'll get into something like yoga and/or belly dance as a way to stay active and hopefully maintain my new weight.
Thankfully, I'm finding that resisting fast food and cokes isn't really as hard as I'd imagined it would be even just a year or two ago.
-I've had Wendy's for lunch on my lunch break at work twice this past week and both times my stomach paid for it later. So, while I do still enjoy the taste of a hamburger drowned in ketchup and salty fries...this is going to be more of a luxury 'once-in a-while' deal.
And, while I do still enjoy the taste of a chilled cherry body feels sluggish and heavy and....'bad', afterwards. And really...I don't seem to get the same satisfaction from the taste of the cokes as I used's weird and disappointing.:(
I've decided that soon I'll need to be getting a new sports bra and a new pair of work-out pants...neither seem to fit me as well anymore. They feel too loose. And even my sz. 14 jeans feel more loose, the waist is a bit loose and my ass is really baggy in them....this is good though!:)
I've been buying the graphic men's t's in Small lately...while they are still a little tighter than I'd like, they fit pretty comfortably and I certainly couldn't have worn that size a year ago. I feel like it's a real break-through for me.:)
(I love men's graphic t's -they get the coolest designs...especially the Marvel t'shirts.:D I wish they'd get it through their heads that there are women out there who'd like cool shit on their t-shirts, too....I don't care about Miss Piggy or just female comic book heroes, etc. I like Thundercats and Batman, I like sarcastic sayings and funny shit on my t's. But I'd like them to fit my body, too. The women's graphic/vintage t's just aren't all that interesting...they are 'too' "cute".:/ )
I'm thinking about starting up that I'm finally in a neighborhood/area where I feel safe walking around on my own (with a can of mace in my pocket, of course), I think it's a good idea before it starts getting cold again. The only shitty part is that it's been 'really' hot and I'm burning 'way' too easily/fast. Also, by the time I get home from work most days I'm I take time to eat, I like to sit and relax, so there's time for that...then before too long I've got to get ready and head out for my evening zumba class. And by the time I get home, I'm exhausted and hot, and it's getting to be too late....though, it is noticeably cooler out.
So, I'm going to have to think on when to fit in an hour of walking before my hour of Zumba.
I 'know' I can do this.:)
On a non-weight subject....
we had a mandatory meeting at work lastnight. I worked 'till 4 and then had to come back for an hour at 9pm for the meeting. That sucked... we've all (cashiers) been bitching about our new assist. front-end manager...but only one or two of us seems to have taken our issues to anyone in charge and one of those people recently quit. So, lastnight alot of us came out with our issues about this new manager and on other issues, too. I'm proud to say that I overcame my fear, anxiety, and shyness and I spoke up on more than one instance about various issues and incidents.
It remains to be seen whether anything positive will actually come of it, but at least it's out there now. I backed up my co-workers who stood up about these issues -just as I promised I would.
Thankfully, I have the next few days off...but hopefully there will be some positive changes already taking affect when next I work. *fingers crossed*
After the meeting was over, I stood around in the parking lot for the next hour+ just bullshitting with some co-workers...even after all the parking lot lights went out. It felt really good to be able to do that. I didn't have anyone sitting in a car waiting on me, I didn't have anyone at home waiting for me to call for them to pick me up. I was free to stay out as long as I wanted 'cause I was driving my own ass home.;D And I felt so good about myself and how I looked getting into my own car, starting it up, pulling out of the parking lot, and driving off -all under my own power.:) I doubt anyone else leaving with me saw any real significance in those actions...but I did and they mattered to me.:)
Even though it was now after 11pm and fully dark outside, I wasn't ready to go home yet. I didn't really have anywhere else to go, so I turned up my stereo and just drove around town for a bit. It felt really good...I felt really good. I was cruising along, singing to my new Florence and the Machine cd, had the cool air from the A/C washing over my hands on the steering wheel and into my face...and I enjoyed the city lights.
-I don't know what it is, but I have 'always' had a thing about city/street lights at night...I feel excitement and at the same time, they are relaxing to me. Like something cool is happening; just driving through down-town at night and seeing all the street and sign lights all lit-up. At night the world is your's alone...everyone else has already gone to bed, the world feels empty but then you can breathe and just relax.
The land is wrapped in a shroud of mystery and silence...
I hated for it to end, but it was getting later and I didn't really know where else to drive to...
I keep wondering what changes are taking place inside of me when I'm doing things on my own. Am I becoming stronger for them? Am I becoming more self-confident, more self-aware, more independent? All the things I'm wanting to change in myself...'for' myself...
I hope so.
I know that I already hold myself taller and prouder. I can feel that much.:)
Today I made some calls around: getting my Gizmo's meds. taken care, renewing library books, and calling up the diet office to cancel my appointments with them. All little things, but I felt responsible and grown up in doing them. It was a really nice feeling.:)
-I know that at 28 this should be "old hat" and to most of you this probably seems silly...but this is how my life is right now and this is where I am, so these 'small' things are a big deal to me. I find that I'm not only aware of but also appreciating the smaller things...they are important and need to be recognized.
That's it for me.... off to watch a movie, have a bowl of cereal, and head to bed. Just finished watching "The Adjustment Bureau" starring Matt Damon (pretty good) with my mom, now I'm going to watch "RepoMen". I need to return those to Redbox tomorrow...maybe drop off a few library books downtown, too.