Aug 11, 2011 10:56
Last weekend I weighed myself and I'm 'finally' under 190 lbs!!! I weighed in at 189.4 lbs. So, I'm 'still' dropping. I attended Zumba 3x's last week (if not for my period I would have done more), and this week I've already gone 2x's now..yesterday there wasn't any Zumba, I'll be going tonight and should be going tomorrow, too.
I have a notebook that I've been keeping since I started up with Zumba...I keep track of a variety of measurements and my weight every couple weeks to months. On the edge of each page in this notebook I have created a 3 column column has listed my measurements from the very first time I measured myself and the date of that 1st measurement, another column lists how much I've lost/gained since the last time I measured and it's date, and the final column lists how many inches I have lost or gained since that first measurement overall.
And I also have listed my goal weight at the top of the page.
I'm really happy about's slow, but I 'am' losing the weight.:) I had a woman at Zumba approach me back on Tues. and tell me that she could tell that I'm losing weight. She's been there pretty much every time I've shown up for the past couple of months. That felt really good to hear.:)
Last Sun. I showed up at a nearby park and met several of the SCA members of my area's local SCA chapter. All very nice people and it was fun to watch them beat the shit out of eachother with rattan weapons.:D I've been offered to come out to this one guy's house and learn how to make my own metal armor and apparently there's a shop here in town somewhere that sells their scrap leathers at affordable prices. So I'll be pilfering through their bins looking for bits I can add to my armor...and I want to start trying to work leather, do the designs and dyeing, etc. (I can't think of the term right now for the designs)...but if I can find the right thickness of leather, then I can have some good practice material right there.:)
-In the process of meeting everyone, I've been invited out to a big 3-day SCA event outside of town. So, I've now bought myself a tent, a sleeping bag, and a foam mat to sleep on. I'm going to borrow a folding chair and cot from my mom, take along her cooler that you can plug into the cigarette lighter to keep it running cool, and I've taking along a couple days worth of garb changes. I'm only going to attend two days of the event and camp one night.
-I'm a little nervous...I've never camped by myself and I've heard stories from other women who've tried to camp on their own at events such as this I'm taking along some mace, a fucking 'heavy' flashlight, and I'm going to try to lock my tent from the inside while I sleep.
But I think I can do this.:)
So yesterday, I spent part of the day trying on a variety of garb combinations to see what I want to wear...I came up a few cool combo's. I took pics and am currently uploading them now. I will try to get them edited and posted soon. I've already decided on my two outfits, but it's still fun to share my pics. if any of you are interested.:)
-In the process, my mom commented that she can also see where I've been losing weight. I had to take my bodice in a little bit soon already -wow!:) My boots are feeling alot looser as I get them on, too. -which is great!
I think I'm going to aim to get a new pair of Ren. boots from the CO. Faire next year...probably from the co. that took over for Bald Mountain...I can't recall their name right now. Gorgeous leather boots though. Expensive, but from all that I've heard -well worth it.:) And I'm also going to get a deep green chemise top...I don't have much in the way of green garb, surprisingly.
But, I'm excited.:) I'll be taking my camera along to the event, so watch for pics. in Sept.:)
I'm doing it on my own -yay!!!:D