Greetings all. Going back to work right when I had to do a bunch of stuff at church for Lent/Holy Week/Easter did rather restrict that whole "free time" thing.
First off so I don't forget some fun stuff on the web. First is an Indepedent film called, "The Hunt For Gollum" which is supposedly pretty good and the place where I found the link the guy who posted it said it supposedly only cost a few thousand to make. I only watched the 2nd trailer so far but all things considered it looked OK. Here's a BBC sci fi/comedy program called Elvenquest. The first episode is up for a few more days. NOTE: It requires RealPlayer which is why I haven't listened to it yet but I'm going to go ahead and bite the bullet and install it and see if it's still just one step removed from a virus or if it's gotten better. This obviously means I haven't listened to it yet but Arron Williams, the guy who does Nodwick recommended it and I've enjoyed other stuff he's recommended. Speaking of which, he also clued me into Adult Swim's G.I. Joe Resolute. Not quite the G.I. Joe I remember. Penned by Warren Ellis: While I'm enjoying getting paid again (well, they're a bit behind right now but you get the idea) work has been a bit stressful. Getting up to a different project sometimes is but there's a bunch of other factors going on which is making it more so but being that I'm trying to avoid hiding any posts I'll just keep it at that. I have gotten some stuff accomplished though so that's good.
I have continued to go to the gym at least a couple times a week as well as doing Wii Fit though I'm not doing the Wii Fit every day like I had been (except the body test). I still haven't made it back to Kenpo but after I enter this I'm going to practice that a bit before bed. It won't be this week since most of my week is booked but maybe next week.
I went and saw the Suspicious Cheese Lords at The Cathedral of Mary Our Queen. The name is humorous but the singers are serious. They do music of the Middle Ages and Renaissance. The cathedral is big, tall and stone and sounds last forever which works for that style of music. I also went to the Towsontown Festival and the weather held so that was good. Baltimore County turns 350 this year. I went with my mom and we were there longer than expected. Unfortunately I was a bit tired afterwards and just headed home and forgot about Free Comic Book Day until it was too late. I stopped by today but they supposedly were really busy yesterday and were almost picked out. A bit of a bummer but better that they go to people who might get hooked into the hobby. Bwahaha.
I don't want to ramble too long so until next time....