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Comments 24

a_g_doren January 15 2012, 18:11:46 UTC
I can tell you worked hard on this and put a lot of thought into it. Gwen and Arthur kissing and joking around in her house was a lovely moment and very much how I imagine the two of them. Will be waiting for the next chapter.


mara93 January 15 2012, 18:32:23 UTC
Yeah, honestly this one was kind of hard to write because it's difficult showing Gwen's remorse without making her look almost pitiful. We know of course she did nothing wrong. But if she did, how would she feel? That's what I tried to show, hopefully came off alright. But there will be the other side to all this in the story. I want to focus on more than just the magical spell. I think what happened delved deeper into Arthur and Gwen's relationship and went beyond just magic.

Hee, the house scene was fun to write. Thank you!


fabyenn January 15 2012, 21:27:21 UTC
Lovely as always, but I'm sure you knew that already. I wish that somebody on the show had spoken on Gwen's behalf, given that they all know her, so I was glad here that somebody did! Gwaine, my hero!

I do hope you won't take so long to post the next part, lol. Great work!


a_g_doren January 15 2012, 21:55:34 UTC
Or even if someone just questioned it. "This doesn't make sense this isn't something Gwen would do." They needed to show that, none of the characters were well served by how they handled it. Even in the versions of myths when she actually cheats a number of the knights speak up for her. *le sigh*


mara93 January 15 2012, 23:59:06 UTC
Okay, I'm going to chime in here, lol ( ... )


a_g_doren January 16 2012, 16:12:41 UTC
Once Merlin knew that Lancelot was a shade he should have done more. My roommate and I actually concluded that Merlin just shouldn't have been in the episode in the first place. Everything would have played out the way it did more or less and the time devoted to letting us see Merlin fail in this episode could have been devoted to the reaction of the knights without Arthur present.This episode just should have been Merlin-lite.

I have a pretty decent job and I got it because of my older sister. Once I pretended that it was myself and my older sister in the situation Elyan's behavior made a lot more sense to me. I still don't agree with his choice but I could understand his anger and frustration.

I hope everyone is more developed in S5. Seriously Merthur is not that interesting.


ext_537529 January 15 2012, 21:49:23 UTC
your editing is so perfect and everything is just so amazing <33333


mara93 January 16 2012, 00:02:35 UTC
So kind, thank you so much!


javabreeze January 15 2012, 21:55:03 UTC
mara93 January 16 2012, 00:03:13 UTC
Ah, thank you!


ella_rose88 January 16 2012, 00:20:35 UTC
Wow this chapter was so wonderfully written Mara! I really love how much this chapter focuses on Gwen and her feelings about what had happened. The flashback was very sweet and lovely and so A/G! It was so very Gwen to wash the tunic and then have Gwaine give it back to Arthur.

I also adored that Gaius and Gwaine were there for Gwen too and helped her out. And I think you have done a great job with showing the inner turmoil for Arthur still caring for Gwen, yet very angry about her betrayal.

I also love the fact that Gwaine doesn't think something is right! and I really love that you included so much of him in this chapter because I miss series 3 Gwaine!


mara93 January 16 2012, 00:46:04 UTC
I hoped it was enough Gwen because honestly Arthur gets more of a voice sometimes in this fic. But there will be more of her of course. It's a challenge to write her feelings because we know she didn't do anything, but for her, she did something awful and that hurts her really.

Good, I wanted to show the balance of Arthur's feelings. It's pain and anger.

I thought somebody must have noticed that Gwen was happy at the proposal and then all the stuff with Lancelot happens. Someone had to question that and so of course I had to go with Gwaine. lol, I love Gwaine. He just had more depth in season three.

Thank you!

I love your icon-pretty!!


Thanks! I made that icon and this one too=} ella_rose88 January 17 2012, 00:42:45 UTC
That's why I think you did an excellent job conveying Gwen's feelings because we know that she was under an enchantment but she does and the others.

You write Arthur so well!

I agree. I think that is what annoyed me most is that no one noticed that Gwen was acting a little out of character, especially when she seemed so happy to be marrying Arthur.

I can't wait for the next installment! Hope it coming soon <3!


Re: Thanks! I made that icon and this one too=} mara93 January 17 2012, 02:14:26 UTC
Ah, so pretty! I like your different backgrounds. :)

That's the issue, that no one at all noticed Gwen acting strangely. I still think Arthur would have been the last person to notice because it was very personal for him and he had his issues with Lancelot. But someone else should have you would think.

Thank you! It should be coming...pretty soon. I just need to make sure I like all the edits I made.


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