(no subject)

Mar 07, 2005 11:52

Lots of things happening in little time lately.

First it started with running into Leon, who seemed pre-occopied with some things, which might be due to Seryna not getting her memory back yet, but he said that he was doing okay, so I offered him my help for when he wanted it and decided to for now, trust him in handling what ever is happening.

shortly afterward I had Draska appearing, at first I didn't regocnise him, then it strukt me that it was the mage that Gaffer had told me about, when I had finished my application to wizardhood and who I had met once in archer village last summer.
Appearently he just wanted to talk and get comfirmed that I was walking around with Ladon in me....professional curiusity I guess. especiall giving what he might be. He lowered his glasses for a short moment and revealed his eyes.
From what I gathered then it's the kind that belong to a people where magic comes with birth and not training...in his case and judging from his eye colour, the more powerfull kind and he seems to be very well aware of that, even saying that he believed he could force Ladon out of my body. Then again I didn't told him in details what was inside me, so I'm not sure if he would had believed the same, if he had known that it was a goddess.

During the talk, another old friend appeared. Alaylle, from the time of the Shining Faith.
now that was one hack of a surprise....there was one I hadn't seen in over a year, and she was still her happy self.
Got abit caught up in seeing her and turned my attention away from Draska, who took it pretty well.
He had to head of and attend to some business shortly after, so I took the time to speak with Alaylle after she had spoken with Leon before he left, while I waited for a hunter who was passing by, to catch a crow for me.

The crow appeared and at first nothing happened and Iw as preparing to head back to the tower to do a summoning, when suddenly the crows' eyes turned red and acted as a conduct for Aucols voice. I laid out the situation regarding the dragon king and the empowerement of Reis' dagger. words was exchanged and then Aucol decided to appear in person, by composing himself out of gathering crows, which would had made me worry abit if Alaylle hadn't broken the tension by throwing birdseeds for them and telling them to go for those and not me and her reaction to Aucol appearing was simple "cool" or something like that.

Aucol decided to do it but said that I owed him a favor in return....which I agreed to, after making sure that it was one that won't lead to people getting seriusly harmed. handed him the dagger, which he empowered in a way that visually manifested in a black aoru appearing...immidiatly followed by Alaylle saying that's "neat" and asked him if he could do it in other colours too.

I'm not sure if it surprised Aucol too, but it definately and unfurtunately, caught his attention...warning me that he might go after her, if I didn't kept an eye on her and afterward decomposed into crows again, after saying something that reminded me off....

Anyway, Alaylle was not the last old friend to appear, of all people, Captain Gaffer passed by...I guess the day was one of those strange ones that one can't explain but just accept is happening.
after hailing me,, his first comment was saying that I had been busy, adopting Alaylle, appearently due to her young look. it got cleared fairly fast though.

We had a pretty nice talk, the 3 of us...both Gaffer and Alaylle had been on far trips..Gaffer on his ship and Alaylle appearently aboard a flying one. Gaffer was pretty impressed by her appearently, and asked for her to join the brethering when she was older and she then told him that she was old allready a whole seventeen.

Captain Gaffer blinked for a moment then looked back and forth between us before giving me ah "why elm, your..." kind of look of all things, and began to imply that I was having some kind of relationship with her apart from being a friend, in the end I just told him that I gave up and switched the topic.

He said he was here to suggest to the kafre head quarter that they should hire some big muscle as a preventive measurement, while Alaylle drank from the funtain that she had purified....which appearently was done with unconventional magic, and broought out lunchboxes. one for me and Gaffer, while she finished 5 by her self.

I had to run shortly after that, having more matters to attend to.

Aucol mentioned that he would handle the venereable swords chapter by himself, and giving how he'll probaly do it, I might have to orchestrate for the invistigation of the chapters doing, to get them pulled out of Elmuth, before Aucol causes too much harm, with me being the one who got them deployed out there in the first place.

Also ran into Captain Caryltis of the Dragons guard the following day, I've heard quiet abit about him, couldn't speak alot with him though, since he was busy and on his way to handle a mission he had been assigned.

My contacts in Juno have also informed me that Mami Amakarai is no longer to be found in the house in Juno, which could mean anything...from her walking away on her own, to anyone of those looking for her having found her and walked away from her....and judging from the list....Anoki, Mataku, Momo and Vegi, being those I know of and coupled with some of the rumours of her manifisting a darker side and the fact that she should had been death.
looks like I have some tracking down to do.

Regarding invistigating, after asking around, it would appear that the ruckus in archer village, was due to the manifestation of another goddes, Freja appearently, through Ark Odeon who was acting as her vessel. the details is abit fuzzy, but appearently he got killed and then revived, with valkyries appearing and everything...no wonder it shocked Seryna and Leon like that, which reminds me that I might have to take her to her parent graveyard to get her memories back.

not to mention all the work that might appear, when Payon is done with the overhaul and renewal and the route to Lou Yang get opened to the public....

but for now, my priority is to find Rei and hand him the dagger so that he can deal with Liam and get that done with....judging form what I've seen, then Rei should be able to handle it, even if it's through sheer force of will only.

on ligther note, it was mentioned to me that somebody had heard that Sake, a young member of the Vezrejai was interested in working as my secretary, I'll have to get back to her about that. having somebody to help with the papirwork could remove alot of workload form me, but I have to figure how also to keep her away from trouble like all the above mentioned.
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