(no subject)

Mar 02, 2005 07:04

last few days have been hectic, started pretty calm though, starting from the day since I last wrote where I decided to join up wit one of the newer member of the guild, a girl named Sake, to help her out abit. went abit up and down, but generally didn't go too bad, I couldn't stay for long though, having other business to attend to.
a few days later, I was visiting archer village to search for Rei, and on my way there I had heard romours of some kind of titanic battle happening the day before.

I met Rei and convinced him to hand me the dagger so that I could empower him, then Leon apppeared, with strange wounds on him which he said he didn't knew anything about. At first I thought he was keeping some things hidden from me, but later I figured that what ever happened, have shocked him so much, that he had mentally blocked it,
Which more clearly had also happened to the other priest who appeared, Seryna...in her case she had lost memory of almust everything. (luckely, archer Joe, used to all the crasyness happening around, was pretty helpfull with filling me in, I couldn't ask Sake though I saw her there, she seemed busy with some work so I decide to not disturp her)

Me and Leon tried to help her remember, giving her things and showing her things that are important to Seryna, but it didn't help much, at the same time, Rei seemed abit upset over the fact that everything he had done wasn't even remembered by them.

I couldn't stay long though, having allready managed to finish what I was here for, and instead handed Leon a map that showed where Serynas' parents where borruwed and told him that if nothing else works, then he should try to bring her to the place marked on the map.

When I was about to go, Rei said something that stopped me, it was something along the line of "Besides, I will be punished for what I do" or something like that. that just...I think I immidiatly turned around and asked him what kind of exscuse that was.

"It is okay to do something bad, because I know I will be punished for it"!? I argued against that thought, I guess I wanted to change it, though toward the end it strukt me that it might not be as easy as I had first though....whole his life he seemed to have believe that and now some random human not even a tenth of his age are telling him otherwise....but atleast he said he wanted to try and it was a comfort to know that Ladon didn't approve.

speaking of which, I hope she'll keep herself out of sight, when I will be contacting Aucol, which hopefully will be as soon as possible.
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