(no subject)

Feb 20, 2005 22:16

Yesterday when I was resting in archer village, I was approached by by a young huntress by the name Telena and a Rogue who turned out to be Ryu Kisargis' brother. we introduced each other with Ryu mentioning that he had joined aboard the ship queen Anna. and then Telena, seeing my conjuring forth a cup of tea, asked me to tricks with magic. It went fairly well exept that I caught a spark from the dragon I formed out of some smoke, when I caused it to explode.. Luckely, both of them was quik to help with extinguishing the fire before it spread too much.

Telena then had to suddenly run off and Rei wanted to talk with me in a more secluded place, first I asked my questions, which basicly was to comfirm that Queen Anna and Captain Gaffer had returned. Then he asked for the Worldshard, the shard of Ymir in my possesion, as he pulled out a dagger and said that he needed the shard to complet it , Ark Artaixia or the tear of the moon, he called it.

when asked, he said that he needed the dagger to stop the King of the brood, who he said would soon appear to, bluntly, run rampage through the world. He wasn't too happy, when I told ihm that I would like to check up on his words, then disappeared suddenly and before I knew it, I had a mark placed on the side of my neck, which he said, speaking in hiding, was the mark of Ladon and that I now had to follow the will of the Dragon god.
When I kept refusing, he must had touched a nerve or something, cause suddenly all went black, and when I woke up again, I found myself by the fences, with manacles on me. At that point, I considered simple using a fly-wing to get away, but waited, figuring it might be better if I waited to see what would happen.

He kept repeating his request for the shard and not all that interested in listening, when I explained that I couldn't simple hand over the shard, because a person walked up and demanded it. Leon then walked by and was his cheerfull self, so I had to hide the manacled hands, though not for long, since he had to leave shortly afterward.
Atleast Rei heard, when I told Leon that I didn't had the shard on me, and he looked...mildly annoyed by that fact and asked me how he could get the shard. we pretty much repeated his statement of the danger of the dragon king and me saying that I needed something more, then just his words for it.

Shortly after, Greth appeared and I had to hide the manacles again. things got heated to say the least, and then Pastel arrived with a friend. Rei kept trying to make me give the shard, Greth didn't like his method, Pastel found him rude and Erva, Pastels friend seemed very discomforted by the whole situation. Suddenly, Rei swiped away my bandana and I almust forgot to hide the manacles as I jumped up and asked for them back. Followed by Greth who putted him under arrest, which he resisted, and afterward he hided and headed of to, which I figured by tracking his energy, Comodo.

Greth seemed more touched by the Seraphim then he had been in a long time, to the ekstend of manifisting some of the power to take in Rei, and appearently it might even be constantly manifisted, just with varius level of intensity.
What concerned him must though, was the possible return of Gaffer, and so he left, following Rei I think, after he cutted the manacles that held my arms.

Ryu then appeared with Nysrol, asking what have happened, at first I was reluctant to tell him, but when Pastel said that a rogue looking like him had appeared, there was little I could do to hide it. Ryu then tried to pressure me into handing over the shard, while Nysrol mentioned that a Sylvestrian and a member of the Vezrejai had gone missing on Mt. Mjoilnor....
He wanted me to look at a book he had found, but I told him that it would have to wait, untill my business with Ryu was done. Pastel had to leave during this...hopefully the next time I meet her, things will be more calm.

Ryu proved to be just as persisting as Rei, and I can't really blame them....for them, this could very well be the single must epic event they have experienced, but I couldn't allow my self to drop everything else that was happening and thereby everybody else, due to that. Suddenly a young girl in a white dress appeared, who said that I was the one who kept disobaying her and was told that I was stubborn (and I guess I was) before throwing a blast at me, which knocked me backward and past Danae who had appeared earlier.

Before I knew it...I suddenly had Ladon, the dragon..to be precise I think, goddess, herself standing infront of me.
being sent back, I suddenly noticed how many was nearby, who might get caught up in this, so I quikly placed icewall between everybody else, and me and Ladon. She basicly told me to hand over the shard and I told her the same as I told Rei and Ryu and told her that by right of free will, I decide not to hand it over. she was not too happy with that, and tried to force me to hand it over, by causing pain through the mark that was placed on me.

During it, Nysrol also stood up to Ladon...but abit more...cocky, though it didn't seemed to distract Ladon much, allthough things almust went completly wrong...somehow, I managed to make Ladon tell me, when Liam would appear...two day she said, and got her to give me a day. Then she enter my body, saying it would be a nice bed...I guess she hadn't checked up on me.

Collapsed to the ground afterward....I guess the will and adranaling that had kept me standing and talking through it all faded, the moment Ladon was gone. Seryna looked abit wierd at me, when I shortly afterward asked if she was okay, while she tended to my body. both her and Pastels friend Ervalis, was worried about me....but I couldn't let them get so worried that they would try to get involved, they aren't even 16 year old yet.

Afterward, I started to go through my notes, looking for an alternate way to deal with Liam, not really paying attention to what was happening around me, or who was appearing....what I did notice is that Seryna asked if I had any demonology, the reason for that was revealed shortly after, when an acolyte by the name of Tharnes suddenly had a change of eye colour and wolf like ears growing from him....almust, if not, completly, like Vegi.

Seryna managed to reverse it though, so I decided to leave....I had to choice concentrating with Liam over staying and figure what the deal with Tharnes was...afterward, I can check up on everything else that was mentioned that dat...the book Nysrol wanted me to read, the disappearing of a Vezrejai guild member, an Angel of death appearing, Greths closer tie with the Seraphim....but for now..Liam.
I think I might have found a way....now I just need to try it.
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