(no subject)

Mar 14, 2005 15:23

looks like another Doomsday got prevented, but to start up proberly, then first...

I managed to deliever the dagger that Aucol had empowered, to Rei Kisargi who I met in archer village.
He was rather "strictly business", took the dagger then walked off, after he had said that it was for the better that I wore the mark of Ladon when I asked. speaking of which, the Mark's still there, not sure about Ladon though. Hopefully the mark's not permanent.

A few days later, I ran into Seryna in Al De Baren, still with her memory gone...I took her to a more quiet place to talk, when Visces Vlou, a proffessor from Juno that I often correspond with, came to personally deliver documents to me, there she offered to help Seryna with getting her memory back, which was declined, since Seryna didn't want anything to do with "ungodly" research....and managed to say the one thing one should not say to a scientist from Juno, that nothing can be explained by science....Vlou took it well though.

Later that day Chitosei appeared and said that there was a gathering in the church and that Seryna had to come, since she had witnessed the, at that time, latest incident in Archer village. I decided to follow and also took the uppurtunity to talk with Sister nun, about the old Parish time and Lucieve, and the old play with ninja pirates....and the old times in general, while we waited. with such short notice not many showed up though....Leon came and with him a young archer by the name Riyoko.

Leon had turned.....bitter, which turned out was from the lost of Seryna, at first I talked with him, then Chitosei took over, while I added a comment every once in a while. Teretere also came visiting, and took a liking to Riyoko and those two keep each other company, while Leon, Seryna and Chitosei talked together. At times I had some difficulty not wanting to simple try to verbally bash some sense into him....especially when he told Chitosei that she would never understand...which basicly dismissed everything that she have gone through in her more then 40 years as unimportant and less important then what Leon felt he had gone through. mustly, I decided to trust Chitosei though....who kept looking older and older untill in the end she decided to head out to somewhere that I couldn't find her.

She managed to leave an impact on Leon though, who I afterward gave another map that showed Serynas parents burial place....(and a book that explained map-reading with it), At first he was against making Seryna remember that, and I told him that Seryna are composed of not only the good emmory, but also the bad....then he asked if he had the right right to force that memory on Seryna and I told him no more then he had the right to prevent this girl who are not Seryna, from living and starting a new.
like......Pastel had done.
Anyway, he understood the point and accepted the map and the book, and I left shortly after that.

I also spoke a little with Riyoko and during the talk. she reminded me of....of the more gentle side of Ashalyn.
it felt strange, like talking to a young Ashalyn, thought not really Ashalyn. The whole thing felt surreal, but left me with a good feeling, despite not really getting to know her.

Eventually....the whole incident with Freya and Ark happened....which I couldn't be there for myself, Several people was allready there to handle matters and myself, I had decided to trust them and had to deal with things that nobody else did, trying to track down from where the incredients to make the demon pill came from, like the one that Vegi had offered me in Down.

As I had half expected.....the world was still standing, due to those who were there and I instead went to the church later that day to find Izramora, talking with Seryna and Alaylle....Seryna seemed to have a real problem with Izramora....then again, she generally never did like Rogue and suspiciously looking people, Alaylle and Izramora was thier usual self though....and then it strukt me that Seryna had regained her memory, judging from her mannerisme and bodylanguage.

Izramora then spoke with one of the guards to find out what had happend to the church and found out that Ark Odeon, Terri and Ervalis had been arrested, so we headed to the prison immidiatly.....and I couldn't believe the other at first when we arrived, everybody seemed to be really interested in the idea of a Jail break...Seryna, tried to open the lack, using a hair pin, Izramora offered her own way, and then when she dispatched of a guard who was on his way down, which also took away my attention, Alaylle had somehow managed to pick the lock.

In the end, I managed to convince them that getting them out the legal way, by clearing thier name, was the best way for Terri and Ervalis, while more guard appeared, at first I kept them at bay with several layer of icewall, but for some reason, Ark seemed very set on getting out, fearing that he'll be executed....and so an act was putted up, where it appeared that I was busy figthing with Izramora and that, that was the reason for me keeping the guards away.

Had to stab myself to pull it of realisticly, so that it appeared as if I had been in a fight and also let Izramora get some blood on her, incase somebody came down and saw her....I think stabbing myself might be the main reason the others decided to stay, while Ark disappeared with Izramora.

the moment right after that was simple...anti-climatic, and we sat down...not really knowing what to do, untill Alaylle brought lunch boxes, being her usual cheerfullness and I decided to question Terri and Ervalis...appearently somebody looking like Ark was around, which was refered to as Dark Ark....I'm not sure what it can mean though, apart from trouble.

During the talk, Terri seemed to really worry about Ark, so we decided to bring her over to him, under the condition that she returned to the cell, before the day was over...made an illusion of a sleeping Terri and then we where off. managed to find him, but the only thing I managed to say to him, was that it was best he stayed with Izramora for now, and generally stayed out of sight, before he felt asleep...and then I had to leave after that to clear Terris and Ervalis name.

They should be out of prison by now, though I don't know how they are, nor what's happening with Ark.
But for now, I'm happy with the fact that Seryna got her memory back and the Dooms day prevented.

Elmikie closed the Journal and picked up a cup of tea, as he walked to the largest window in his office and looked up toward the sky, a gentle blue with clouds dottering it here and there, and a scent of spring in the air.
"well, your time here was short, other Seryna to appear, I'm sure you would had turned out to be a great person too......"
He took a sip from his cup with closed eyes, enjoying the cup and contemplated what more to say, then looked up again.
"I just want to say thanks, for stepping back and let the first Seryna re-appear, not sure if it was a consious act, but you are a person, that no longer are here and....I think it's because you might had realised, on some level, that right now, more people need the Seryna that's walking around now...Atleast that's what I would like to think"
As he looked up, he thought he saw Serynas face in the clouds and was mezmerised by it, probaly the mood and his imagination playing games with him again. He sighed and smiled as he finished.
"It was nice knowing you, and with the strange way our world is, perhaps we'll meet in some way or another, neh?
In any case...."
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