"What can I do with my hands and my feet?" (Nothing productive, apparently.)

Oct 20, 2008 02:29

1. OMG I HAVEN'T POSTED IN THREE DAYS. WUT. Have you guys missed me? (Don't answer that. :P)

2. Thank god for a weekend of considerably LESS fail than the week that preceded it. I spent it... sleeping, flailing, running errands, and most importantly, did NOT go back to work as I had originally intended to. Which means I'm going to DIE tomorrow, and possibly over the next five days. But at least I got the time off to chill out. I needed that. Really a LOT.

3. Started Saturday off with a late-night supper with noldoparma (what, I left work at midnight, that counts as Saturday, right?!), then ended up sleeping at 7.30am *cries*... but managed to get up to run errands and even go for yoga! Which KICKED MY BUTT. I guess I thought I had hit a point when I COULD handle at least the basic class and not want to completely die during the process... but turns out it REALLY depends on the instructor you get! I was kind of tired (duh), and so I figured I'd go for an easy class - and for some reason, I thought the instructor I had selected was one I'd had before, who was pretty chill during the lesson. WRONG. This guy was INSANE. I wanted to weep DURING the class, and am still hurting from it now. Which is GOOD, I guess. But but. *cries*

4. Then, since there are literally NO movies I actually want to see in cinemas this weekend (Nights In Rodanthe, what?!), I decided to have a nice little TV night all to myself. I brought food home (and OF COURSE proceeded to spill sauce all over my bedsheets, argh!), put Pushing Daisies on... and LOVED IT. Well, what I saw of it, anyway. Because it turns out I was SO TIRED that I fell asleep during the second episode! By the time I woke up it was noon...

5. ... and by the time I woke up AGAIN, it was 4pm! *cries* This time it really WAS just a matter of being completely tired out though. Because I think I drifted off to sleep at about midnight or 1am. Which means I crashed for 14 hours or something?! Certainly I was planning to watch MORE TV (i.e., House, PD), but I DIDN'T. *weeps*

6. Then I woke up. AND OMG TINA FEY. ON SNL. AWESOMENESS. Predictably, there be TINA FEYLIN ICONS. But after that, I watched the OTHER scene on SNL with Palin, and cried/died laughing.

*sobs from the awesome* I kind of wish Tina had done this, but her brain would probably have EXPLODED from having to learn this rap. In any case, Amy = FREAKIN' HILARIOUS. FAVOURITEST THING EVER.

7. Also, Sarah Palin in the White House, as linked to me by irnbruise, is a LAUGH RIOT. So much fun to be had by clicking everywhere. Suffice it to say I've spent far too long on this site. Click on the door MORE THAN ONCE, kthx.

8. And hai, guess who ELSE has been busy this weekend? That's right!

a. Julia sang at the Lerner & Loewe concert in Town Hall... Now this intrigued me greatly as I ADORE their music but their scores are usually written for sopranos: think JULIE ANDREWS in My Fair Lady, Camelot, etc. So I was VERY interested to find out what Julia might have sung.

But before we get to that, have some photos first:

Awwww, bless. This is the ONLY photo of the white dress that looks good. Yay Julia and her daggy dress sense.


ANYWAY. Julia sang How Can I Wait? from Paint Your Wagon, among other songs, and OMG OMG OMG. I only know the Julie Andrews version - I had a massive MASSIVE flail period for Dame Andrews a couple years back, so trust me when I say I have most of her discography on hand - and while I was waiting for Julia's cut to be released on the interweb (thanks to the master for sharing, btw!), I listened to Julie's song. Which I have kindly uploaded here for reference:

>> download here <<

Ahem. So, after listening to THAT, this was my comment to someone in chat: "either they bring it down six octaves, or Julia sings in her head voice".

Interestingly, they did NEITHER. Okay, so they brought it down a FEW octaves, but Julia emphatically did NOT sing in her head voice. INSTEAD, SHE ONLY MADE IT THE SEXIEST SONG TO EVER SEXY EVER. Seriously - it's such a DIFFERENT, gorgeously languid version in comparison. I LOVE Julie's version, obviously, for the kickass lilting soprano goodness. But this is just... DIFFERENT. Also SEXY. Did I mention that already?! LISTEN:


b. And since I had a cut for Julia anyway: I know that this has been ALL OVER everyone's flists already, but figured it NEEDS TO BE SPAMMED AGAIN. I had always wondered why Broadway Fanboy Extraordinaire Seth Rudetsky - who honestly is one of the flailiest, funniest people ALIVE - had never deconstructed Julia Murney as he is wont to do Broadway divas. Turns out it's because he'd have to spend the REST OF HIS LIFE doing so once he gets started. No kidding. This is Seth deconstructing Julia singing Raise The Roof from The Wild Party... and good god. You thought I was flaily over Julia? OMG, I thought I was flaily over Julia. BUT NO ONE BEATS SETH RUDETSKY. I love how he takes 9 minutes to deconstruct a 3-minute song. How he can sing along to Julia PERFECTLY on every drawn note and belt. And how he gets obsessed with the littlest moments. Mwahahaha. Clearly I am an EPIC n00b compared to Mr Rudetsky. EPIC.

image Click to view

I cannot lie. It makes me very happy that I added Seth on Facebook, and since he is a FB whore, he added me back. XD

c. Does my new Julia icon *points* amuse you as much as it does me? OMG. Waving like a dork on national television. *weeps*


9. Did anyone else wonder why Cheno's Xmas album was named A Lovely Way To Spend Christmas, but did not feature that song on the album? Bah. Turns out the iTunes version has TWO EXTRA SONGS. I downloaded, of course, and am sharing to spare y'all the full download. ( A Lovely Way To Spend Christmas | The Lord's Prayer )

10. Can I say that Sendspace has been MAJORLY hating on me lately, so y'all should be grateful for my perserverance. It took me ALL this evening to upload Cheno, and all of last night to get Julia/Julie through the servers. (Then I fell asleep and couldn't post yesterday, fail.)

11. FINALLY. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, teh_maskmaid!! Hope you have a FABULOUS day, and that the new Cheno tracks add to everything else good that I hope comes your way today! ♥

12. So... you guys think I did good in coming back from my three-day hiatus?! ;) I also spent AGES this evening catching up on my comments, btw. Like, HOURS. *cries* But I'm all caught up and I think I shall go to bed now. Another work week beckons. *sobs*

broadway, lj - irnbruise, capslock flail, kristin chenoweth, lj - noldoparma, julia murney, birthdays, yoga, lollerskating brb!!, julie andrews, music, tunespammage, pushing daisies, tina fey, lj - teh_maskmaid, sleep patterns of fail

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